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How Can SEO Boost Content Marketing Efforts

Discover how content marketing can benefit from SEO-friendly content to reach a wider audience and enhance user experience.

Imagine that you’ve created an excellent piece of content in the form of an article or website copy. Your colleagues, seniors, and even the client showered you with appreciation for the content. You are sure that when the target audience interacts with the content, they’re bound to take action, whether in the form of a conversion or a sale. You upload and monitor the content for a few days, but there are no conversions, views, or sales. Does this make you wonder why it didn’t work? One major possibility is that it wasn’t SEO-friendly content. So, what is SEO, and why can it make such a difference in your content marketing efforts? If you’re a marketer searching for answers to such questions, this blog is all you need.

Difference Between SEO and Content Marketing

SEO and content marketing are two strategies in marketing that go hand in hand. Before understanding how SEO-friendly content can help content marketing, let’s briefly understand each of them. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of optimising the content on your webpage to improve its visibility and ranking in the search engine results pages (SERPs). The goal of SEO is to attract a maximum number of relevant visitors to your website.

Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing high-quality, informative, relevant, and engaging content to attract customers. Content marketing aims to increase brand awareness with the help of valuable content, ultimately leading to conversions, sales, or fulfilling other marketing goals. 

Content marketing without SEO will fail to reach the target audience. It brings the audience to your website. Similarly, SEO without proper content will not give you results as well. It will simply make your content visible. But if the content itself isn’t helpful or of poor quality, the audience will neglect your page. So, it’s important to focus on quality content and SEO to attract traffic.

How Can SEO Help Content Marketing 

Using effective SEO strategies for content marketing to enhance your digital marketing efforts has several benefits. Here’s how SEO can help boost content marketing efforts:

Reaches the Right Audience

The audience inputs certain words or phrases in the search bar to look up something on Google. These are called keywords and keyphrases. Keyword research is one of the most important parts of the SEO process. Here, marketers identify relevant keywords that the target audience is searching for. Content marketers can research local keywords for local businesses to increase their visibility. Marketers embed these keywords in their blogs, website copy, or other pieces of content to rank the page higher in search results. This ensures that the content reaches the right audience. 

Enhance User Experience

Apart from increasing visibility, SEO also helps to enhance user experience. There are many metrics to measure user experience, such as:

  • Bounce Rate: Measures the percentage of users who leave your website after viewing only one page.
  • Time on Site/Session Time: Tracks the average time users spend on your site or specific pages.
  • Task Success Rate: Measures the percentage of users who’ve successfully completed a specific task or action on your platform.
  • Time on Task: Analyses how long it takes for users to complete essential tasks, such as login or purchasing.

Considering these metrics, marketers can refine their websites to elevate the user experience. For instance, if the website real estate is well planned, where users get the right information at the right time, the session time will increase, and the bounce rate will reduce. 

Similarly, a website can be optimised to increase its speed by adhering to image aspect ratio rules and enabling browser caching. This will reduce time on task, which, in turn, will reduce bounce rates. Marketers can employ such SEO tactics to enhance user experience.

SEO is an important factor in boosting content marketing efforts. With the help of SEO-driven content creation, marketers can achieve the best results from their digital marketing campaigns.

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