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Challenges and Mistakes in Content Marketing 

As different e-commerce platforms continue to evolve, the shift towards content marketing is inescapable. But what are the challenges this particular tool of advertising faces in the current market? Here’s a comprehensive look at the content marketing challenges in India:

Reluctance Towards a New Approach in Engaging Content 

The purchasing habits of consumers are steadily shifting towards the digital medium. A larger number of people now prefer buying products online, and engaging content is the most effective and feasible way to promote your brand digitally. Therefore, more and more companies look forward to taking a leap towards content promotion. However, not a lot of them take the plunge. This is because content marketing is transitioning into a comprehensive marketing tool, and most marketers are hesitant to devise an all-out content strategy. The inadequate understanding of consumers’ reading habits and tough competition from traditional retail outlets also make brands cautious about moving forward with a completely content-focused marketing strategy.

Creating Content Catering to Different Buyer Personas 

Catering to buyer personas is one of the most prominent problems in content marketing today. Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers, and they can vary widely in terms of demographics, pain points and buying behaviours. Creating these buyer personas can pose a challenge, as you need to understand each buyer persona’s specific needs and interests and tailor your messaging and content accordingly. For example, a B2B software company might have different buyer personas for small business owners and C-level executives. The small business owner might be more interested in cost-effective solutions, while the C-level executive might focus more on scalability and integration with other systems. If you only create engaging content that appeals to one of those personas, you will miss out on connecting with the other.

Time-Effort Balance

This is a dilemma faced by most content creators in the country. Formulating an effective strategy that delivers high-quality content at a consistent rate is a nearly impossible task. Creating high-quality content steadily requires time and effort. This makes the process slow. 

Hence, finding the right balance is a challenge that needs constant work. Outsourcing this task to specialised content agencies can be an effective solution to the problem.

The Dilemma of Paid Promotion

To promote or not to promote is a question that most marketers face. Having great organic reach for your content is crucial but is paid promotion also beneficial? Millions of readers currently use ad-blockers, making paid promotion even trickier.

However, social platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow marketers to target their audiences specifically without many restrictions. This can be a useful tool for creators to reach out to a larger audience in a shorter time frame. A good way to use paid promotion for your brand is to make it a part of the content strategy and allocate it to a fixed budget.

Intangibility of Results

Most marketers use content marketing as a tool for promotions but are not able to execute an effective strategy. Calculating the ROI of your content can be challenging because it depends on factors of objective, publishing platform and CTA.  Analysing and tracking consumers that reach through your content funnel is not completely tangible. It also takes time and patience to reach the expectations set out for your content strategy.

These are the most common difficulties in content marketing today. Outsourcing your content requirements to dedicated agencies can be an effective way to overcome some of these challenges. Reach out to us for better insight into creating content.

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