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People, especially experts often say that B2B content marketing is a must. They mention that content marketing is a B2B marketer’s secret weapon. Plus, you’ll find countless articles on the Internet listing the smart and successful tactics to drive your business with B2B content marketing. As a newbie B2B marketer, do you know why content is so much stressed on? According to HubSpot, a whopping 96% of B2B buyers want content with more input from industry thought leader. But this is not it. Listed below are some practical upsides of leveraging content marketing for B2B businesses.
Doubled (or Tripled) Business Awareness
What is the first thing you do when you plan to advertise your brand? Create your loud presence on social media or advertise with OOH and electronic medium? Irrespective of what you do, a lot goes into creating your brand awareness. I ain’t saying that B2B content marketing is an easy job, but it’s way easier than the usual techniques of creating awareness. Amazing content that speaks to your target audience, irrespective of the type and form, answers the most pressing questions of your audiences. This is perfect for creating awareness around your brand. When you use your content as a weapon to communicate, you automatically create awareness of your brand. And this becomes an ongoing process when you create content continuously.
Credibility Like Never Before
Informative and educating (and also engaging) content is what people out there crave for. When you provide all that your audience is looking for related to your business niche and industry, you gain their trust. And when you regularly do it, people start looking up to you as a thought leader and wait for you to answer the next question they have, via a blog, video, infographic, slideshow, podcast, market research, or even a social media post. You become an authority – a knowledge imparting authority – for them, a credible source of information.
It’s like a circle, you become an authority, people look up to you as a credible source of information. This credibility helps you become a serious authority in the market.
Elixir for Your Search Rankings
What is one of the best things that fuels your search engine rankings? It’s the content you put up.
Don’t forget that search engines thrive on new, relevant, indexed content. When you upload your content on your website, you can improve your search engine ranking, and the likelihood customers will find your website. Through SEO techniques, you can better position your content on search pages. In other words, your content acts as a potion to make your search results better. According to Ignite Spot, a blog on your website will lead to 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links. And when your blogs or the entire website ranks higher on search engine result pages (SERPs), you will soon drive website traffic in abundance.
More Leads and Customers Guaranteed
The biggest challenge for any B2B business today is to generate leads and convert them into clients. And content marketing is a smart solution to that challenge. Once people look up to you as a thought leader, they will have a serious reason to share their emails and/or subscribe to your content. And once they do, you will have a good database for your email marketing. That’s how you get leads!
Talking about customers, they will mostly opt for a business that only provides the right products and services at reasonable prices but also educates them with the industry insights and facts. Isn’t that what you are already doing as a part of your successful B2B content marketing strategy?
Gentle on Pocket
Considering all the benefits mentioned above and the outcome that you’ll get after putting impeccable B2B content marketing efforts, content marketing is a cost-efficient method. Content marketing consists of two components – the actual content itself and the promotion of that content (the marketing element). Content creation hardly requires any budget. And the promotion bit – it’s still cheaper than promoting posts on social media or advertise on digital mediums.

Whoaaa! What amazing benefits!!!
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And the list of benefits of B2B content marketing is super long! But, aren’t all these reasons enough for you to consider B2B content marketing now!? Now that you know the benefits of content marketing, you must only focus on sketching your B2B content strategy. And if working on and around content isn’t your forte, outsource the job to one of the best B2B content marketing agencies.