“Exasperating farrago of distortions, misrepresentations & outright lies being broadcast by an unprincipled showman masquerading as a journalist”
What you just read is one of many Shashi Tharoor’s tweets that showcases his vocabulary. Tweets like these have captured the attention of many people online. But, using such words in your blogs may not help you get your audience’s attention!
When I started working as a technical writer in a content writing agency, I used to include heavy and complex words in my blogs. But my seniors explained to me why my approach was wrong. Now, while writing technical content, I use contextual vocabulary that’s necessary, but I avoid words that would make my sentences complex. Hence, I ensure that my blogs are simple yet professional. Using heavy words can affect the readability of your blogs and affect the power of your messaging.
Poor readability
Several free online readability assessment tools allow you to assess the readability of your blog. Having a good readability score helps ensure that your blog is easy to comprehend. Whereas poor readability simply means that your content is difficult to comprehend. Poor readability can affect your content even more if your audience doesn’t include native English speakers. Also, maintaining a good readability score helps you achieve a high search engine page ranking.
Heavy or complicated words will affect the readability of your blog. Such words can make your content difficult to understand. Hence, replacing complex words with simpler synonyms that won’t change the meaning of your sentence is always better.
Lack of value
You may think using complicated words can help you establish authority or make readers believe that you have a lot of knowledge about a topic. But that is not the case. Your readers may not be able to understand the message you are trying to convey. And, if the complex words in your blogs don’t offer any value to your readers, then they might just be disregarded as jargon!

Do us a favor and please don’t make your readers wonder what is the meaning of the word!
Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/mistake-error-question-mark-fail-1966448/
Your readers may misunderstand certain sentences due to complex words. This can especially be true when a word has two different meanings. For example, the word, ‘crane’ can be referring to a bird or a vehicle that lifts heavy objects. Such words should be used in an appropriate context to avoid changing the meaning of your sentence.
If your readers are unable to understand your content, they may not want to come back for more. Hence, write your blogs in a way so that your target audience can easily understand your content. After all, even Albert Einstein has said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
Alternatively, you can reach out to a content writing agency like Spacebar to avoid facing such issues while writing blogs and deliver high-quality content straight. Writers at Spacebar can create engaging content for your audience, develop a content marketing strategy, and help you build a strong online presence.