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Digital Marketing Astrology: It’s all written in the stars!

If you’re new to astrology, here’s a brief overview of zodiac signs: there’s a sun sign, which represents your “identity;” a moon sign, which expresses your emotional side and your intuition; and then a rising sign that defines the purpose and big picture of your life. But nobody told you there was yet another zodiac sign now, did they?

Behold your marketing sign!

What is that, you ask? Duh, it’s a sign that determines what kind of marketer you are. Not sure what that means? Don’t worry, we’ve broken it down for you. Go ahead, read on and discover your marketing sign.

Aries ♈️ (March 21 – April 19) – The Risk-Takers

The Aries marketers are risk-takers who are never short of ideas. Every digital marketing team needs at least one Arian. There is nothing they cannot do, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, ranking a site at a position, managing and leading a team, or writing compelling and creative web content. An Aries marketer brings in a constant flow of money. But beware! The cash they bring often goes out as fast as it comes in! Although dealing with finances is a challenge for Aries, the risks that they take are usually well calculated..

Taurus ♉️ (April 20 – May 20) – The Dependable Ones

These are the energetic go-getters. Taureans are the most organized, hardworking, and stubborn digital marketers of the bunch. There’s something about the Taurean marketer that exudes a calm confidence. They can work all day long without getting tired, ever. It’s not surprising that they have a flair for data and analytics, since their work is grounded in logic and numbers. Tarureans make for great SEO & SEM specialists. They often come across as authoritative, but that’s because they’re so well-versed in their subject of choice. Taureans do it all, from structuring ad accounts to paying their bills on time. They are always trying to reach their project goals and deadlines no matter what comes their way. Despite their tendency toward being risk-averse and stubborn with their opinions, you’d be hard-pressed to find a more dependable and hardworking partner.

Gemini ♊️ (May 21 – June 20) – The Busy Bees

Gemini marketers are always doing something, whether it’s organizing their planners, checking their to-do’s or perusing competitors’ social channels. Incredibly charismatic and friendly, Gemini marketers are always posting the newest articles that’ll help the team or giving well-deserved praise to colleagues. They’re always on top of marketing news and trends and are forever full of new ideas, but note, they often find it hard to follow through with something, leaving a towering trail of yet-to-complete projects behind them.

Cancer ♋️ (June 21-July 22) – The Customer’s Pet

A marketer born under this sign takes customer-centricity to the next level. Always helping, kind, spontaneous, loving, and occasionally prone to mood swings. Because of their empathetic nature, they’re talented at understanding their customers’ and colleagues’ wants and wishes and are always willing to lend a hand. The drawback here is sacrificing their well-being to support others’ goals. They are that one person you can count on to help you through a stressful day at work.

Leo ♌ (July 23-August 22) – The Leaders

Leo marketers are leaders in all situations. They have a constant flow of energy that keeps the entire PPC team on task. You can always find a Lion leading a meeting or an extensive marketing campaign. The courageous ones keep their cool, even in the most challenging projects. It wouldn’t take a lot to imagine them on stage hosting a TED Talk. They are born entertainers and bring a positive vibe to the office day in and day out. If you simply dare to criticize them or, worse, ignore them, you’ll meet their dark side. It sounds scarier than it is, but they forgive pretty quickly and act as if they didn’t – just to get attention.

Virgo ♍️ (August 23-September 22) – The Perfectionists

Whether designing paid media plans or creating website visuals, whatever Virgo’s are working on has to be perfect, or it won’t work. Virgo’s have the ideal solutions for their clients. They are great at cracking concepts, creating website content, crafting social media visuals, developing presentation decks, preparing perfect cups of coffee – whatever they do is perfect! As a result, they expect great work from you; they will be frustrated if you can’t meet their expectations. Good news, though: that frustration won’t last long as they’re going to be the primary ones to assist you and push you to become better. They’re fiercely intelligent but don’t flaunt it. Those associated with this sign tend to be reserved and focus on their work. In their ideal world, there would never be any meetings.

Libra ♎️ (September 23-October 22) – The Charmers

You’ve probably met that kind, understanding, easy-going, optimistic, charming – but also a super stressed digital marketer – who keeps their office extremely tidy. That’s Libran. Sociable and friendly, a Libran marketer is friends with everybody at work: their seatmate; the guy over in the designer team downstairs; the freelance IT worker who stops by the office once a month – you name it. Artsy and artistic, Librans have a knack for advertising, web design, branding, and social media content. The only downside to their personality is that Librans always need to be nice and therefore have difficulty saying ‘no’ to favours.

Scorpio ♏️ (October 23-November 21) – The Bravehearts

Scorpios are brave, focused, independent, and faithful digital marketers. They are also the most mysterious and intense ones in the team. While they’re incredibly competitive and constantly pushing themselves to be better, these traits also make them dominant and aggressive. Experiential marketing is hugely important to Scorpios, who strive to provide their customers with an all-encompassing brand experience. They want their customers to love them, not just like their product or service. They are ambitious and determined, work extremely hard to succeed in their goals and are the simplest SEM project leaders you’ll wish for. They’re also somewhat intolerant and obsessive for power and control, but it’s all for the best of the marketing team.

Sagittarius ♐️ (November 22-December 21) – The Complete Package

A hybrid of a human and an animal makes for a complete digital marketing package. Sagittarians are SEO adventurers, paid campaign optimists, and storytelling enthusiasts. They are constantly learning new things, whether it’s a new marketing tactic to boost the client’s marketing, mastering a new language to launch an international campaign, or learning something new to help a colleague. Despite their enthusiasm and big dreams, they could make careless mistakes as they rush through projects. Dreaming big and believing that anything is possible makes them the happiest and most enthusiastic digital marketers in your team – but also potentially the most reckless and careless ones, often ending up in complex (and embarrassing) situations.

Capricorn ♑️ (December 21-January 20) – The Patient Task-Masters

A Capricorn is disciplined, optimistic, patient, cautious, and highly successful in digital marketing. Capricorn marketers tend to ignore frivolous ideas, so if you’re presenting to them, come up with ideas that are well developed and backed by data. No matter what you give them, what projects you assign them, or which clients you entrust them with, you won’t regret it – their can-do attitude coupled with grit makes them successful almost every time. They are confident of their abilities and have good time management skills. They prefer working alone and usually find it challenging to partner with others. As they hide their anger behind heaps of work and act like they have it all together, they are plotting massive revenge to get back at you for that mistake of yours they had to correct. Beware.

Aquarius ♒️ (January 21-February 18) – The Crazy Creatives

This marketer is your go-to person when it comes to creative and original campaign ideas.
An Aquarian brings enthusiasm, confidence, excitement, imagination, and originality to the work – alongside tons of chaos, sarcasm, and stubbornness. They tend to think outside the box, which means they may dismiss numbers and challenge data. They offer their passion for technology, their desire to help others and learn new things, and their obsession with funky clothing to shake up digital marketing campaigns and inspire everyone around them to do the same. Aquarians are a joy to work with on all content programs because they are skilled in creative storytelling. They constantly change plans at the last minute and develop entirely new and unexpected plans. They want to make your life better – but it’s highly annoying.

Pisces ♓️ (February 19-March 20) – The Dreamers

Despite their reputation as non-serious business types, Piscean marketers can have incredible success when allowed to express themselves. Pisceans are dreamy, intuitive, creative, imaginative, flexible, compassionate, sensitive, and kind – but are moody, lazy, and complain a lot. They are on top of the latest news and trends, happily sharing their observations and insights. Dedicated, reliable, and excellent at solving problems; Pisceans are a huge asset to any digital marketing team. However, you should also know, when something eventually goes wrong, you better get ready to deal with the consequences yourself. Because, hey, it wasn’t them. It’s never them.

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