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Content Marketers! Gear up with these 7 Resolutions in 2024

As we bid farewell to 2023, you know how it goes — everyone’s busy jotting down their resolutions for the next year. Whether it’s promising to adopt a healthier lifestyle, hitting the gym more often or challenging yourself to read a book every single day, the resolution fever is in full swing! And you’ll probably set a few goals and make resolutions on the professional front.  

As a marketer, your professional goals would most likely centre on increasing brand recognition, gaining more clients and of course, generating the highest possible number of conversions. With a new year comes new consumer trends, which means that the art of captivating consumers with great content is also evolving. And to stay relevant (and employed) in 2024, you’ll have to make a few new resolutions. 

Start with these 7 Content Marketing Resolutions

One thing that marketers have been stressing is how important content is. So if at all, your content marketing strategies have been lacklustre recently, you’ll need to buckle up for the coming year. It is all about forgetting old habits and learning new ones. 

  1. Replace “mobile-friendly” with “mobile-first” 

Let’s first back it up with some stats. As per Statscounter’s report, the majority of internet traffic i.e. 58% comes from mobile devices. We need to shift our focus more on Mobile-first web design. This approach enables web designers to start product design by prioritising mobile devices.

People don’t wait until they go home, open their laptops or turn on their computer to check a particular website, they do it on their cellphones. For businesses to connect with customers quickly, having such a design is really important. Mobile-first websites offer handy features like click-to-call and location services.

Although desktops give a larger screen with extras like Adobe Flash and pop-up screens, having a mobile-first website helps because imagine you’re trying to get some information for a lead and the website does not function well on cell phones. Hence marketers need to keep this in priority because once you’ve made your website mobile-compatible, it is automatically compatible with your desktop. 

  1. Don’t follow Trends Blindly 

It is always the FOMO that makes us do things others are already doing, whether or not it is necessary, adding value or relevance to our lives. Time to stop that. 

As social media continues to take the lead and trends become viral, marketers and companies are frequently tempted to jump on the trend in an attempt to gain greater exposure. This is called moment marketing, where you create relevant and interesting content by following the trends of current events or hot topics. The problem, though, is that following trends mindlessly without considering how they align with your business can be a dangerous strategy

Furthermore, blindly following trends could convey the idea that a company is out of touch with current events or trends. Trends change quickly, so what’s popular now could not be tomorrow. Hence, continuously chasing after trends can portray your company as a follower rather than a leader in the industry.

If you want your brand or company to stand out from the crowd, start focusing on creating content that highlights your unique capabilities. 

  1. Don’t make AI your Primary Writer

AI has been a great help and has definitely made the task easy for us writers. But what happens when we start using AI as a writer? Although AI provides almost accurate and correct information (at times), but it lacks two major writing components — empathy and human touch. It has a monotonous writing style which reads very robotic. Do you think you can hook your readers with that? No!

Instead, use AI to work smart rather than work hard. While AI does and excels in excels at handling monotonous jobs and providing data-driven insights, we humans can add our deep understanding, emotional intelligence and creativity to the table. Include AI as a helpful tool while incorporating authenticity and creativity into their work to connect with their target audience and make it a collaborative effort. 

  1. Focus on your Marketing Funnel 

Being there for your clients at each step of your decision-making process is important. When we are creating content for our clients or consumers, we need to keep the funnel in mind. Their buying behaviours, preferences, wants and needs. Creating content keeping the marketing funnel in mind will help us create content that fits into this funnel easily, rather than just creating content without a sense of direction. 

When we create tailored content for our clients and customers, we are directly communicating with them at every stage of the funnel. They are more likely to remain interested and involved as a result. Focusing more on the marketing funnel will assist content marketers in fine-tuning their strategies, captivating the audience and ultimately producing superior outcomes. 

  1. Shift focus on Long-Form Content 

To start with, these are content or articles that extend 1200 words. Opting for long-form content can greatly increase the credibility and authority of your brand. It feels like you are showcasing your knowledge when you research deeply into a subject and provide your audience with in-depth analysis and thoughts. This establishes your brand as the authority in your field, builds trust and leaves a lasting impression of being a thought-provoking figure that everyone admires. 

Here’s another good reason for focusing more on long-form content—it boosts your search engine rankings and also brings in more organic traffic. As per research, long-form contents generate 70% more traffic. Not only that, it reduces the bounce rate and since you’re providing deeper information, people do spend time and stay on your website a little longer. This can therefore improve users’ overall experience on your website and increase the likelihood that they will take the intended action leading to a successful conversion. 

We at Spacebar, do believe and invest most of our time in writing long-form content for our clients and consumers. You can have a look at it yourself!

  1. Create Meaningful Content 

Imagine you, a content marketer for business, marketing and public sales B2B, curate information about how it’s high time to change your routine, get into fitness and start taking care of yourself. That is exactly what happens when you create content just for the sake of it, just to be consistent. There has to be a match between what you do and what you talk about, if not always but most of the time. 

People connect with meaningful content because it speaks to their wants, worries or goals and draws readers in, fosters trust and creates a relationship that lasts. The quality of the content has a greater influence than its quantity. Not only that, meaningful content helps your marketing activities succeed overall by fostering brand loyalty and encouraging engagement. In an information-rich environment, producing content that genuinely matters will make your business stand out and improve the lives of your target audience and will also promote brand loyalty.

  1. Focus more on Personal Branding 

Content marketing allows you to connect with your target audience on a personal level. Whenever we think about brands like Apple or Tesla, we can already picture the person and their motive behind the brands. That’s what strong personal branding does.  

Having a strong personal brand has many benefits. First and foremost, it goes beyond regular marketing by adding a human touch to the brand which helps it build authenticity and trust. Developing a  strong, distinctive personal brand also allows marketers to stand out from other competitors since they focus more on sharing stories and experiences that could resonate with the target audience. 

When you build a strong personal brand, you are more likely to build lasting connections because people tend to connect more with those who come across as genuine and approachable and also establish a competitive edge in a saturated market. 

As we approach 2024, marketers need to accept that the digital world is always changing, and creating content marketing strategies where you can adapt to changes and keep up with new developments becomes very important. Using strong CTAs to increase engagement to accomplish corporate goals, reusing content to expand the audience and provide them with more information on similar topics and improving readability becomes important. For optimal performance using methods like A/B testing and enhancing personal branding also becomes the cornerstone of a successful content marketing strategy.

Let’s approach 2024 with confidence, inventiveness and marketing success while we accomplish these objectives using our content marketing resolutions. Cheers to another year of expansion, fresh concepts and amazing marketing successes!

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