If you run a company, there will be a situation where you will want to hire a content writing agency for a writer to create and/or curate your content. And worry not; there are many companies which provide content writers in India for different types of content. For an untrained eye, all writers seem to do the same job. But, every writer has a different style of writing, a specialty that they excel in. Content writing companies do help in selecting the best writer for your project, but it is always good to have an idea yourself to choose the best fit for the task at hand.
Brand journalists
These writers use journalistic writing styles for curating content that matches with the brand mission and vision of your company. Skilled at writing long articles, these writers excel in a narrative form of writing, seen in magazines and newspapers. They also are good at writing headlines, which help with pitching your product to the vendor. They usually help a company create content for their newsletters, press releases or any other documentation that requires telling a story either about a company or a product in a formal style.
SEO experts
These writers help in optimizing websites for the search engines to detect. Their writing revolves around certain words or phrases called keyword or keyword phrases. These writers employ the required keywords in their writing to improve the visibility of their content on search results. Usually, companies maintain blogs for boosting their ranking on the search results. SEO writers manage these blogs by creating high volume but short sized content. They usually aren’t subject experts on the topics they write, but they effectively employ the target keywords to make the writing SEO friendly and optimized.

SEO experts focus on improving the visibility of your content.
Image courtesy: www.pixabay.com
Subject matter expert
These writers are the opposite of generalists copywriters. As the name suggests, they are experts in writing content on matters they have an expertise in. A writing style heavy with the subject jargon and intricately worded technicalities of the topic stand out in the content they create. Employed mostly for writing period special content series, how to manuals, reference books for academics, white papers or executive briefs, they tackle topics with an entire enterprise angle that other writers cannot adopt.
Social media writer
This is the newest class of content writers in India created with the rise and importance of social media in commercial sectors. As the most popular form of medium for marketing nowadays, businesses both large and small resort to social media writers to create appealing content for their respective social platforms. These writers define their writing in an informal tone, and style it keeping in mind the audience they write for. They keep track of the most used hashtags and trending topics to blend with the content they create.
There are many other styles of writing that overlap with either one of the types mentioned above. Every business is different in terms of the services they offer. Hence, it is advisable to have a clear idea of the how and why while you work on creating content for your venture. This goes a long way in selecting the right kind of an agency, the type of content writer, and the appropriate tone of writing for your organization.