The products existing in the market have a descriptive value attached to them. Anything that is acquired needs to have a certain level of excitement attached to it for the consumer. After all, isn’t the consumer the most important aspect even for creativity to see the light of the day and be appreciated? Whether it is a necessity or a luxury, the market has varied products to offer. Before the touch and feel or even word-of-mouth, there are the requirements of catching the eyeballs and of having the presence felt in the market. A synopsis is one such important tool, which is used for marketing a product with the help of synopsis writers.
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Nature of Synopsis Writing
Here, I am referring to synopsis writing as a marketing tool in a generalized context. To limit synopses to just the written word or films or television and online content would be narrowing down the potential and the need for synopsis writing. To my mind, even a tagline in an advertisement of a product is a form of a synopsis which in itself tells a story.
Normally, a synopsis is used in the context of storytelling, be it the written word or an audiovisual. Before I decide to buy a book, I look at the cover and immediately turn the book around to read the few lines on the back of the book, which decides, for me, whether or not I am interested in reading the book. Similarly, with a film, a television show or an online product, reading the synopsis gives me a fair idea of the content and then the decision to either watch the content or skip it occurs.
The essence of Synopsis Writing
With the onslaught of the massive amount of content being generated globally, keeping abreast with everything is becoming hugely difficult. In my view, somewhere, without even exploring, we decide what we would like to read or watch and what we would skip. With the paucity of time, even within the decided genres, there is still room for further prioritization, and that is where a synopsis and synopsis writers come in. Having said that, a synopsis helps even when we set out to go against our preset ideologies and want to experiment.
Therefore, as I see it, experienced synopsis writers need to highlight the unique selling points of the content. They need to capture the gist without losing the essence. Good synopsis writers also need to capture as many subplots as possible while staying focused on the main plot. The importance of and the specialization required for synopsis writing only occurred to me when I got down to writing synopses myself. It is then that I realized how the world of synopsis writers is. Being an avid reader, the habit of turning the book around was taken for granted. Little did I realize the mental effort invested by synopsis writers to write synopses in order to make my life easier as a reader and help the writers reach out to people like me. Although I keep referring to the written word in today’s scenario, synopsis writing is equally important in the audiovisual context.

TV Synopsis is all about understanding the perceptive of the cameraman!
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