This is my story – the story of my journey from just-any-other-writer to being a content writer. My journey of correcting my language issues from “discuss about” to “discuss”. This story is about the 21 months I spent at Spacebar, with Spacebarians. This story might seem boring to some. But people who were significant parts of my journey will (mostly) feel happy after reading this.
I earlier mentioned that working at Spacebar is a chill-thing. It’s true, and after about a year, I repeat my words! What makes Spacebar a fun place to work at? The people here, the kind of work people get here, and the kind of mentorship and guidance people get here. I too was mentored by some of the best people on Earth (not exaggerating!). These people were a lot more than my seniors to me, they were my friends, my saviors, my Gurus.
Three Men and A Woman

These people…
The boss lady, who always had my back. No matter how much I speak about this woman, it will always be less. She is one of the reasons I left behind all those negativities and self-doubting thoughts that used to pull me down. She made me stronger, she moulded me into a better writer, a better person altogether. She is, undoubtedly, one of the coolest bosses people can ever get!
The serious, young man and a funny one too. The credit of making me switch from a random writer to a content writer majorly goes to this person. Man, he was so patient with all the mistakes I made! He was super helpful, no matter what. I was lucky to be a part of his team. I remember all the funny moments we had even while working. Discussing my mistakes, learning and exploring new things about writing were so much fun thanks to my first editor.
My ‘9:30 am’ friend. Majority of my mornings at Spacebar started with having a long chat with him about all sorts of random but sensible topics. My decent friend then became my editor, and that’s when the pace of my learning increased. Being on his team, I learned so so much about next level writing, digital marketing, SEO, social media, and what not. I can’t thank this one enough for being such a great friend and one of the best editors I could ever get. You rock, dude!
I don’t know what to talk about this mysterious guy who ensured that I keep rising to every challenge. No matter how hard he laughed, I knew that this person will always be that one guy who would save my drowning boat, no matter what. He was the perfect definition of a mentor, a senior, and the best guide!
Ever-smiling ‘Human’
The first human resource person at Spacebar was the best one we could ever get. This thin yet energetic person was a lot more than a person to talk about empty room freshener bottles. She was my dear friend, a person with whom I could have fun conversations. I made fun of her and she pulled my leg in response; I haven’t seen such a relationship between other employees and their HRs. Thanks, Ishani for looking after the office, as well as each one of our problems. Nobody could ever empathize with my issues as you did!

They celebrated my birthday!
Those Special Colleagues
There were times when I fell down, when I decided to give up on everything, when my confidence level was at its lowest. And every time I felt something not going right in my life, I had someone or the other to hold me firmly. During my journey at Spacebar, I got many special colleagues; colleagues in the form of life-saviors, in the form of lovely friends. Interns and employees – all these special people made me sail through my tough times. Whether it was my personal stress or professional failures, some of my colleagues stood tall like coconut trees to support me. Special “Thanks” to all you lovely people to make my life livable!
My Development
Lastly, talking about my development, I have learned heaps and heaps of things about life, about writing, about social media, and about things happening in the world too. Writing different types of content, switching from one type or style of writing to another without much hassle, the nitty-gritty of social media, creating website content that would help millions of people in the future, writing beyond my usual limits – and so much more. I don’t think any other content writing agency in Mumbai would ever let any of its employees learn and experiment so much in just 21 months. Seems like a dream to me! I have evolved as a writer, I have grown as a person at Spacebar, which matters a lot to me!

And now the time has come, time to bid adieu, time to break my habit of waking up early and rushing to office, time to go away from chit chatting and working simultaneously, time to step away from these special people. After writing lakhs and lakhs of words, it’s time to stop writing. After dedicating my maximum self to the work-and-fun environment at Spacebar, it’s time to move away. It’s time to say goodbye to everything and everyone at Spacebar, and walk out with a bag full of teachings, memories, smiles, and tears.