Shows in different languages are telecast on TV channels in different parts of the world. Many people in this world like to pass time by watching these TV shows. The episodes of these TV shows are integral parts of their daily lives. To make the process of watching these TV shows more enjoyable and to attract more viewers, certain agencies have started hiring candidates to write TV show episodic synopses. Writing TV show episodic synopses is a niche field currently and is controlled by a few major companies. Synopses are written for drama-based TV shows and for non-fictional ones. These synopses are used by DTHTV service providers for their set-top boxes and also by entertainment channels on their websites and social media platforms.
Obviously, to write high-quality episodic synopses, a writer has to follow a series of steps. Following these steps will prevent him from facing synopsis-writing issues.
Watch episodic videos
A writer has to watch with attentiveness the episodic videos of a TV show. Attentiveness is necessary as the writer should be aware of the direction the story is taking in that episode. Also, an attentive writer will be able to understand the emotional ups and downs of drama-based TV shows.
Note down plots and subplots
A writer must watch the first seven minutes of an episodic video, after which he must write the key plots/subplots of that period. He must subsequently watch the next seven minutes and note down that period’s key storylines. This process must continue till the end of the episode. If the writer does not periodically note down an episode’s plots and subplots, he would not be able to write a compelling episodic synopsis, which has the essence of the episode in it.
Size of the episodic synopses
Some clients want synopses of 500 characters while others want synopses of 180 characters. There are clients which seek synopses of 300 characters too. The writer must craft synopses in such a way that they meet the character-related requirements of the client. A good writer must weave sentences in such a way that he is able to meet the character-related requirements of the client and also present an interesting synopsis.

This is how the guide of a synopses writer looks.
Character Names
It is a requirement sometimes that writers note down the names of the characters appearing in the episodes. For that, a writer must immerse himself in the world of these TV shows.
Sometimes, the writer must come up with keywords that accurately reflect the stories of the episodes. Certain clients want the writer to pen keywords as keywords are one of the ways to attract eyeballs and generate hits.
Miscellaneous details
Some clients want the writer to mention separately where the hero-heroine of a TV show picnicked in a particular episode. They also want the writer to mention separately the celebration of festivals by families in particular episodes.
Google Sheet
The writer must, first of all, learn how to work on a Google Sheet, which is not difficult. He must use tools like ‘Find and Replace’, ‘Spellcheck’, ‘Undo’, ‘Redo’ and ‘Conditional Formatting’ to help him pen high-quality TV show episodic synopses.
As the domain of entertainment grows further in the coming years and as more and more consumers purchase set-top boxes, an increasing number of writers will be needed by agencies to pen compelling TV show episodic synopses.