Regardless of whether you run your own blog or operate your own website, becoming a better content writer is a fantastic path to go down. As a content writer in Mumbai, my journey as a content writer has shifted from bleh to meh, and some-where, some-how – I picked up on being a good content writer. Wait – that didn’t make sense to you? Well – it doesn’t have to. All you need to know is that this article is going to be about – How you can be a better content writer in Mumbai.
To the Library
Or, in this case – To Google. Before you type in the first word, you gotta do your research. Quite often, in the life of a content writer, you will write content that you’re unfamiliar with. In the past year, I’ve worked on content for the industrial rubber, recruitment, real estate, and the IT industry.
While I know how to write, I am not equipped with the experience or knowledge to write for such industries. BUT – good research through Google gives me the basics so I could at least make a start.
Know What You’re Going to Write
Done with your research? Well, you’re not ready to write – yet. Before you type in the first word, know what you are going to write. Don’t just dive into the writing and expect the words to come to you.

Ever felt like this?
I typically build a structure before writing an article. Here’s a quick look at the article structure I created for this article.
Title: How to become a better content writer
- Research
- Build a structure
- The right tone for the audience
- Have fun
You don’t want your content to be filled with fluff, so make sure you build a basic structure before you begin writing.
Pick the Right Tone and Style
A writer has a versatile style. You should be able to adapt your writing to the needs of the reader. It’s easy to write in your own style – that’s what you’re comfortable with. But, a good content writer moulds her writing according to the need of the audience.
Know your audience and know what style they prefer to read. Your reader might want a formal, analytical, casual or technical style. Make sure select the right tone and style. Add to that, the type of content writing will vary depending on the platform. Take a look at similar websites and magazines that your audience reads and assess the right tone and style.
Have Fun

Content Writing should be fun
Writing is not some dreary process that’s to be dreaded. You should have fun with it. If you aren’t having fun with it, you need to pick a different topic.
Writing blog content is not easy, but you have to start somewhere, and before you know it, you’ll be living the life of a content writer in Mumbai. So – get out there and start typing!

Content Writing Meme
Good job with the article! Nice and fun…