Content writingRealitySynopsis writingSynopsis Writing for History and Drama

A synopsis is synonymous with the gist. Going by this definition, synopsis writing brings out the essence of the plot or an event without missing the finer nuances of the whole. Keeping in mind the varied levels of mind frames and perspectives, it is not easy to comprehend what strikes a chord with whom. History synopsis writing, drama synopsis writing, financial synopsis writing and reality TV synopsis writing are some of the genres of synopsis writing.

So, when I get down to synopsis writing for television shows, my endeavour is to capture the whole within the limited space called a synopsis.

There are various steps involved in synopsis writing. While watching a television show, whether an episode or the whole show, understanding the plot, the characters and the vision is of prime importance. Personally, I make notes while watching the show just so that nothing gets left out. To ensure objectivity, making these notes keeps me focussed. It is nice to get engrossed but what keeps me grounded is the reminder that at the end of it all, a synopsis has to be written.

There are many genres that exist in this sphere of entertainment. Right here, the idea is to express my thoughts about my experiences regarding history synopsis writing and drama synopsis writing. Having completed my higher education with History being the subject I did my honours in, there is a special inclination that I have towards the historical genre. Historical shows are educational, being high-voltage drama in themselves. Because they are more or less factual, making notes is really helpful. One has to be exceptionally careful about the names, places, culture and language while being involved in history synopsis writing. What makes history synopsis writing a little more difficult when compared with the regular drama-based shows is the requirement of precision that has to be maintained while creating synopses for these shows. Since there is no perspective involved and everything is as how it is depicted, there is no decision to be made about what is important and what is not. All the plots have to be mentioned just the way they are.

On the other hand, the drama shows are a little less taxing. Drama synopsis writing is simpler. Often repetitive, one can be almost sure of what is happening next. Drama, as the word itself suggests, takes up most of the space. Concentration of these shows is most certainly on the depiction of emotions. The character once established becomes almost predictable. Each situation and the plot, more often than not, are stretched considerably.  A lot can be said within the limited space. So, what becomes imperative while indulging in drama synopsis writing is how much of restrictive imagination one can use. I say restrictive because imagination has no limits. Here, while opening the doors of imagination, one has to stay within the parameters laid by the writers and the directors of the show. After all, one is penning down their vision and their thought process. Over a period of time, I have realised that what comes handy is a mastery of the language used. Even generally speaking, the mastery of the language used is a prerequisite but more so in these dramas. This is to ensure that the essence, which is ambiguous at times, is captured well and creates an interest in the end user.

Synopsis Writing for Drama



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