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You Should Track These Content Marketing Metrics

Picture this: Your content writers are creating killer content, an overflowing editorial calendar and a content workflow that’s smoother than butter. Now to measure the magic, you will need the right metrics- no vanity fair, serious business only. You need to keep an eye on the numbers, the golden ticket to insights that captivate the customers. Now no more throwing darts in the dark. Only customer-engaging content that delivers measurable value. 

Buckle up; ROI will no longer be a buzzword you use! Do not fear the jungle of digital trends or algorithms. Be as agile as acrobats and adapt your content strategies to achieve desired results! Time to explore the world of content marketing metrics and ride high on the success of your content. 

Important Content Marketing Metrics

Content marketing metrics are crucial standards for measuring your content performance and its effectiveness. Determine your content marketing KPIs with stakeholders and align them with your content strategy, from brand awareness to conversions. Highlight priorities based on these KPIs and shortlist essential metrics for review. 

From tracking brand awareness to new leads in your sales funnel, these numbers will guide your content marketing success. Remember, the right metrics depend on your unique KPIs and priorities. Stay focused, measure wisely and thrive in the content marketing realm!

Important tip: Keep an eye on the industry benchmarks to measure your performance against others in the field. 

The following are essential metrics you must consider to measure your content performance.

Brand Awareness 

When it comes to brand awareness, keep an eye on the metrics that really matter. Check out your social media numbers like, shares, and retweets and note how many eyeballs your posts are grabbing on Facebook, Twitter and other social media networks. Follower count can be a bit show-off metric, but it’s worth considering if you are new to a social channel – it helps build initial credibility. 

In terms of the website, monitor the traffic your content is attracting. Look at the number of visitors dropping by, the total page views and the unique page views, which tell you how many people are checking out your website content. It’s like your brand popularity metre! By staying on top of these metrics, you will know how well your brand is excelling, which will help to hone your content marketing game. 

Audience Engagement 

Paying attention to the vital engagement metrics is essential to elevate your content strategy and build a dedicated audience following. Click Through rates (CTR) provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your links, spanning across your website, social media, and email campaigns. Don’t overlook the significance of social interactions – track social comments, shares, and brand mentions, as they indicate the level of engagement and impact your content generates. 

To comprehensively assess your website content’s performance, use Google Analytics. Explore the referrals it drives to your website, a goldmine of valuable data. Monitor Total Time Reading (TTR), bounce rate, and average time on your website to gauge how well your content captivates and retains your audience. Lastly, inbound links play a crucial role in establishing content credibility and popularity. To improve these content marketing metrics, focus on enhancing the user experience on the website, optimising navigation, and ensuring content readability. 

Achieve Search Engine Optimisation 

First, monitor your search engine rankings using the Google Search console. Improved rankings in the SERPs will attract more visitors to your pages, increasing the likelihood of conversions. Next, don’t overlook the significance of backlinks and authority. Leverage tools like Ahrefs and Moz to track and assess your backlinks while monitoring crucial authority metrics like Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA). These metrics directly influence your page’s ranking potential and overall website relevance.

To improve SEO metrics, prioritise crafting SEO-optimised content. Utilise valuable SEO writing tips to ensure your content resonates with search engines and attracts organic traffic. Stay proactive in optimising your SEO strategy, and watch your online presence soar to new heights! 

Lead Generation

Click-through rates (CTR) hold the key to gauging the success of your marketing campaigns. Whether it’s blog CTAs (Call To Action), content upgrades, or freemium offers, closely monitor the number of people clicking through. Conversions play a pivotal role in measuring progress. It’s not solely about immediate buyer conversions but also micro-conversions like acquiring new email subscribers, form completions, and content downloads.

To enhance your lead generation metrics, focus on optimising your CTAs. Craft concise and clear CTA copy, ensuring each content piece includes a relevant and compelling call-to-action that leverages powerful words to motivate user engagement. With a powerful lead generation strategy, you can propel your audience further along their buyer journey. Stay attuned to these content marketing metrics to drive meaningful results and nurture valuable leads.

Sales Strategy 

Analysing content marketing metrics is essential for gaining better results from your sales strategy. Monitor demo requests, forms submitted, and completed calls to gauge the effectiveness of your content in driving sales opportunities. Utilise problem-solving content to nurture qualified leads and expedite conversions. Lastly, monitor the sales cycle length for leads who received helpful content – a shorter sales cycle indicates the efficiency of your content in closing deals. By collaborating closely with the sales team and understanding your target audience, you can craft valuable content tailored to their needs.Mastering and monitoring content marketing metrics is the key to thriving in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Tracking the right numbers and aligning them with your content strategies can drive your brand to new heights of success. Remember to stay agile and adapt your approach to meet the unique needs of your target audience.

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