How Many Keywords Should You Use for a Page?
Sometimes, search engine optimization (SEO) may seem very complicated. You need to think about your marketing strategy, backlinks, web page design, metadata, HTML, and more importantly- keywords density! Keywords are one of the only ways for search engines like Google to understand the relevance of your website. These search engines have gotten smarter by using hundreds of signals to rank the relevance of your website. So how can you use those keywords on your website? How many should you target? Should you just use multiple pages for every single keyword? Or do you just stuff the keywords all over the website? Let’s talk about the proper keyword usage and how to target them in your content to help you provide the right answers to such questions.
Know the Keyword Density
Keyword density is the percentage of the number of times a keyword is used divided by the number of words on the page. So for instance, if your article has 500 words, you are using the keyword ten times, your density will be 2%. The whole reason for using the keyword is to make the search engine bots understand your content better. But today, the search engines consider the site quality and site authority more than the keyword density.
Avoid Keyword Stuffing
Using a lot of keywords on the page is not practical and can affect the quality of the page that the search engine bots are looking for. Many people tend to overuse similar keywords or repeat a keyword very often. Stuffing the keywords on your site can harm your website’s SEO. The search engines can flag your website as a spam site and lowers the search ranking. You need to remember that helping your readers should be your main focus rather than focusing on SEO. Therefore, create content that will help your readers and use the keyword naturally without stuffing it.
Limit the Number
As a content writing service provider, we suggest you use the relevant keyword at least three to six times in a 500-word web page. Since all your web pages are indexed, each page can be optimized for a small number of keywords. Place the keyword that can come naturally while writing the content for the page to maintain the quality and prevent your website from getting penalized for keyword stuffing.

Keywords help in knowing how your blog post is behaving.
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With just some good study material and experience, you can easily understand the basics and create an SEO-friendly content. But if you can’t create a good web page keeping all the necessary SEO tactics in mind, consider outsourcing the job to a content writing service provider. With the help of the right content writing service provider, SEO will not be as tough as you think it is.