Synopsis writing is a tool that has been used for a long time to communicate one’s thoughts in a nutshell. Digital platform has opened the gates of a far-reaching vision in the world of synopsis writing. With ever-increasing options and too little time at our disposal, zeroing down is simpler when the gist is just a click away. A synopsis is nothing but a marketing device to entice the consumer to savor one’s product. The skill of synopsis writing is being explored by many and in the process is becoming a specialized field. So, it becomes imperative to analyze and implement the key elements that go into making a synopsis attention-grabbing.
Writing is a creative way to tell a story but it does not really work in synopsis writing. As a synopsis writer, one of the main facets of my job is to merge someone’s thoughts with someone else’s perspective and that is what I call ‘restrictive creativity’. The clarity to organize and be concise results in an action-oriented synopsis. The more interesting the synopsis is, the more chances of it ensuring that the product grabs the eyeballs. But the downside is that more often than not, the perspectives do not match and that can be frustrating! For me, the biggest challenge is to match my thoughts with the expectations of the client and the perspectives of the end user and, subsequently, to put it all together within a character limit. The battle is also with my own interest levels. The subject cannot be always of my choice. So, objectivity is the only way to wade through my distracted thoughts. Then again, extreme involvement with the subject which interests me somehow takes my focus away from the central purpose of penning a synopsis. The long hours of viewing the subject mean transferring the physical energy into the brain, which, in itself, is an exercise requiring patience and perseverance. So, it is an endless confusing trail until the process of trial and error leads you to a self-evolved method of synopsis writing.
When I began my journey on this unknown path, how did I dull the buzz in my head and merge all these forces to generate crisp, informative and interesting synopses? First thing first, I ensured that I started thinking like the end user. I consciously worked in order to expand and enhance my vocabulary. As I have understood, the whole point of synopsis writing is to communicate more in lesser number of words. A constant reminder to clear the clutter from my head of references has worked well. With an increase in the level of my confidence, my power to cover the plot precisely and concisely has emerged. A great driving force has been a habit of reading what I’ve written and asked myself if this is good enough to lead me to explore the subject. Otherwise, what is the point!!!?

There should always be a driving force behind your work.
At the end of the day, it is an objective mind that wins.
Nice and an informative article!