In the digital era, every business needs interesting content on their website. But, like multiple business owners, you might be wondering which pages you need to add and how can you create interesting content for website. You need to present engaging content to your audience as an average reader stays on a website for 15 seconds only. Therefore, you need to analyze the bounce rate of your website with the help Google Analytics Dashboard. One of the multiple factors that affect the bounce rate of your website is the content. Hence, content is a necessity for your website.
Readers may visit your website for several reasons and with different expectations from your business. Hence, your website needs to meet those expectations and offer valuable information about your business with the help of your content. To include engaging content for website, you need the following pages:
1. Homepage
Your homepage is the first page that your audience and prospective clients will encounter. Your homepage becomes the identity of your business. Hence, the homepage has to be well-designed and visually attractive to capture the attention of your visitors. The homepage should tell a story about your business by conveying who you are and what your business does. For this purpose, you should include a short description that explains the core objectives of your business, your products and services, and some of your clients and partners, along with a call to action to engage your visitors. Also, you can add a creative introduction to your business, just like Spacebar’s in the image above. Such content makes your website look fresh and interesting to the visitors.
2. About Us Page

Here’s how an “About Us” page should look like!
The about us page is one the most visited pages on any website. Visitors check out your about us page to learn more about your business. Therefore, your about us page should contain a brief summary about who you are, the people that are involved in your business, what your clients and businesses are saying about you, your company’s history, and what makes you stand out from the competition.
3. Services/Products Page

Services pages help in displaying your products and services.
Every business needs to incorporate a products or services page in their content for website. Based on your business, add a products or a services page on your website. If you offer multiple services or products, then divide these services and products into several sections. Include a short description of every product or service along with a link to the landing page for redirecting your readers to a specific service or product page.
4. FAQs Page

The FAQ page helps in answering a lot of customer queries.
You can use the FAQs page to answer the most frequent questions asked by your clients, audience, and website visitors. Answering these questions preemptively will be time-saving for you and your prospective clients compared to answering every question individually. Your answers must be informative, honest, and should contain a call to action for persuading your visitors to buy your products or services.
5. Blogs

Such a page display the different types of blogs!
Marketers believe that blogging is one of the most effective content marketing tactics according to statistics. Every business must publish informative blogs frequently to drive more traffic to their website. Your blogs page should display all your blog posts in reverse chronological order, i.e. most recent blogs first. Such blogs help establish authority by sharing your expertise and give your business its own voice. Frequently posting informative blogs will help you gain higher search engine results page ranking and better engagement with your audience.
6. Contact Us Page

Through the contact us page, people can get in touch with you quickly!
Your contact us page must provide different ways to get in touch with you. Any contact us page must include contact details like email address, office address with your Google location, and contact numbers along with a section where visitors can enter their contact details. With the help of this section, you can get in touch with your visitors. Also, you can include a separate section for all your social media handles like Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Apart from these essential pages, your website may need additional pages based on your business needs. For instance, a photographer should include a separate page to showcase all of their photos. Hence, outsourcing content and website creation is the most feasible approach. You can reach out to Spacebar for creating your own website and developing effective strategies to publish content for website.