When I joined Spacebar, a content marketing firm based in Mumbai, I had no experience in technical content writing. And to be frank, I was a bit anxious. Being new to technical content writing, I had no clue how to write articles, explaining new-age technologies without leaving readers bored. What added to my anxiety was the fact that technical articles were to be heavily researched and thoroughly explained. However, with senior’s assistance, practice, and learnings, I have now reached a place in my career where I can write technical content confidently. In this article, I’m sharing a few important tips that will help other budding technical writers:
Comprehend the title
Once you have a topic at hand, don’t start writing directly. There are a few things that need to be considered before you start writing. On receiving the topic, spend some time comprehending the message that has to be delivered through your article. Technical topics are easy only if you know what to write and explain the readers.
Know your audience

Always know your audience before creating a blog!
Image source: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/binoculars-search-see-to-find-1026423/
Knowing who your audience will help you pick the right tone for your article. Writing technical content doesn’t always mean that your tone has to be professional. Sometimes, reading technical stuff may bore readers. Hence, try making it conversational. But again, it depends on who your audience is. If you are writing for a bunch of tech-enthusiasts then use a casual tone. But if you are writing for industry professionals then make your content crisp, short, and understandable.
Research extensively
What makes technical content writing different from normal content writing? Well, it’s the research! As technical articles are expected to contain a lot of information and examples, you should spend maximum time reading various different blogs, newsletters, and watching videos. Collect as many facts as possible, which can prove useful in educating readers. To know more on how to research before writing blogs, click here.
Prepare a structure
While carrying out your research, start noting down important things you come across about a topic. After collecting relevant information, think of how you can start writing on a topic, where to place which information, and how to end. Once you have a structure in place, research every section header separately. Depending on only one resource is a big no-no. Preparing a structure means having a rough draft ready, which has details on what you will be writing in the article.
Don’t use jargon
When it comes to writing technical articles, everyone thinks that the tone of the article should be ‘only professional.’ But, that’s not always true. It actually depends on your audience. But regardless of who your audience is, don’t use excessive jargon. Using complex words may sound technical but it may not be easy to understand. Keep it simple, keep it succinct.
These 5 things have helped me groom my content writing skills, especially for a heavy research article. Every technical content writer, especially during their early days, faces a lot of challenges. And that’s pretty normal. Start considering the things I have mentioned above and see the changes for yourself.