How LinkedIn Can Help Your Real Estate Business

How LinkedIn Can Help Your Real Estate Business

In the digital era, every organization is using social media for business to build brand awareness and generate leads. Similarly, real estate businesses can utilize social media platforms like LinkedIn to maximize their lead generation. Also, LinkedIn enables you to build professional networks and find prospective clients. With 250 million active users per month, LinkedIn can exhibit untold potential in allowing users to develop countless professional connections. Additionally, studies have shown that LinkedIn is 277% more useful in lead generation compared to other social networks. Hence, LinkedIn can be an effective platform for using social media for business. If you are a realtor who’s exploring different techniques of social media marketing using LinkedIn, then this would be a great place to start. 

B2B Content Marketing

Your B2B Business Needs Content Marketing! Here’s Why

People, especially experts often say that B2B content marketing is a must. They mention that content marketing is a B2B marketer’s secret weapon. Plus, you’ll find countless articles on the Internet listing the smart and successful tactics to drive your business with B2B content marketing. As a newbie B2B marketer, do you know why content is so much stressed on? According to HubSpot, a whopping 96% of B2B buyers want content with more input from industry thought leader. But this is not it. Listed below are some practical upsides of leveraging content marketing for B2B businesses.

Social media for business

How often should you post on social media in 2019

Today, in this digital world, businesses know that to resonate with their target audience, the best ever platform is social media. While social media allows brands to get a lot of customer engagement and increase revenue, it can also negatively impact customers resulting in higher customer attrition rates and lower profits if not used correctly. It doesn’t even take a second for customers to unfollow a brand’s social media page. Hence, it is important to make use of social media platforms in a way that attracts customers and does not leave them unsatisfied or unhappy. But how to make optimal use of social media for business? Well, there is actually no magical formula. While posting something on social media platforms, brands should consider its quality and quantity, both. And what does that mean you ask? Let’s brief you on that. 

B2B content writing

How to Write 3000 Plus Words Blog in a Few Hours?

What is writing? In my personal opinion, writing is a way of searching soul through words and sentences that a person creates through his subconscious mind. Through writing, you spill out the ink in your heart onto a blank page and create a piece that keeps people coming back for more. Each time I lift my virtual pen to scribble some words, the primary thought that comes to my mind is that something extraordinary is bound to happen. No writer’s block, no mental semicolons, just words. I believe that motivation is key, everywhere and in every way! And as a content writer, most of us love being alone to ponder upon vivid writing ideas and techniques. This is where self-motivation could actually work as a kick-start to your blog.
Writers are a breed of people trying to turn people’s emotional and decisive knobs through words that instigate an action. There was a time when writing was for journalists and novelists exclusively. Others were too daunted in those times to take over writing, it was thought to be a thing for scholars. Now, writing is a way for some people to cope with life. Seeing something being created out of your brains and skills gives you pleasure.

3 Types of Posts You Should Avoid on Your LinkedIn Business Page

3 Types of Posts You Should Avoid on Your LinkedIn Business Page

Among all the social media platforms out there that are popular in the mainstream, LinkedIn is the one that is least like the others. In fact, calling LinkedIn a social media platform won’t be entirely accurate. LinkedIn is more of a professional networking platform that businesses and professionals use to connect with each other, unlike Facebook or Instagram which are designed to enable friendly, social interactions. This makes it the most ideal platform for running B2B campaigns, while others are more B2C-friendly in terms of marketing.
Since it is so different from the other social media platforms, it stands to reason that the kind of content posted on LinkedIn should also be different. While there are limitless ideas as to what you can post on LinkedIn, there are certain kinds of content that you should steer clear of to make a good professional impression through your business page. Thus, if you’re a B2B company like a social media marketing agency or an accounting firm, pay attention. Following are three types of posts that should never make it to your LinkedIn business page:

How to Measure if Your Marketing Strategy is Successful?

How to Measure if Your Marketing Strategy is Successful?

A marketing strategy is formulated with the idea to keep moving forward and make your business successful. You will think of all the possible outcomes before you choose a strategy and implement it. But not every strategy is profitable in the first go. Some take a step back before giving you the desired outcome. To be able to identify such setbacks that end up in bigger successes, you need to measure how your marketing strategy is progressing. This is what I plan to cover in today’s article to help my fellow content writers working in a content writing agency, know when to stop their marketing efforts and when to keep going on.

5 Content Marketing Tools for Business

5 Content Marketing Tools for Business

Content marketing in its purest form is the method of creating and publicizing or advertising content or material that helps in increasing and improving a brand’s reputation.
Several organizations consider content marketing in India as a mere option for them to grow their business. In fact, business should start with content marketing as it is one of the best ways to generate leads in the digital universe.
Now you might be wondering how you should go about with content marketing and what all you would require to kick-start or maintain your content marketing campaign. Here are 5 tools that will surely help you in your content marketing process.

Steps in the Process of Content Marketing - Everything You Need to Know

Steps in the Process of Content Marketing – Everything You Need to Know

At its core, the process of content marketing is about telling a story. For an author, the act of coming up with a story, its plot, its characters, and its setting is all rooted in the abstract. However, a content marketer must go about the process of storytelling in a different manner. A content marketer must consider the nature of their business or organization, the category of its products and services, the reality of the market conditions, and the preferences of its intended customer base before they begin to tell a story. By that logic, a skillful content marketing agency must be able to help multiple businesses and organizations tell the story of their services and their journey. But remember, it’s all business after all. So, here’s how it’s done.

Content writing agencies in India rely on Wikipedia.

6 R’s to Create the Best Wikipedia Page with Content Writing Agencies in India

If you are a 90s kid, you would remember those trips you took with your father to the library, just to find the best encyclopedia. That’s right! Only we, the kids of 90s would remember this. Why? Because the dawn of 15th January 2001 brought the launch of Wikipedia. Wikipedia came as a blessing for people thereafter as a one-stop platform to find answers for almost every question we had. If I were to give a better definition of Wikipedia, I would say that it is a free online encyclopedia which is available in various major languages and is open to modification. What makes Wikipedia stand out though is the chance it gives anyone and everyone to contribute their knowledge to create informative pages for the masses.