7 Tips for Writing Good Email Newsletters

7 Tips for Writing Good Email Newsletters

According to Rajan Anandan, India is one of the fastest growing internet countries. With limited email marketing companies and content writing services in India, the email industry has a huge opportunity to generate revenue for any business. It is easy to create emails that people actually look forward and reduce the unsubscription rate of your emails. In email marketing, email newsletters are widely read, loved, and tweeted about regularly. If you want to write some good email newsletters, here are some tips to help you get your business closer to your target audience and build up a subscriber base.

B2B content writing

How to Write 3000 Plus Words Blog in a Few Hours?

What is writing? In my personal opinion, writing is a way of searching soul through words and sentences that a person creates through his subconscious mind. Through writing, you spill out the ink in your heart onto a blank page and create a piece that keeps people coming back for more. Each time I lift my virtual pen to scribble some words, the primary thought that comes to my mind is that something extraordinary is bound to happen. No writer’s block, no mental semicolons, just words. I believe that motivation is key, everywhere and in every way! And as a content writer, most of us love being alone to ponder upon vivid writing ideas and techniques. This is where self-motivation could actually work as a kick-start to your blog.
Writers are a breed of people trying to turn people’s emotional and decisive knobs through words that instigate an action. There was a time when writing was for journalists and novelists exclusively. Others were too daunted in those times to take over writing, it was thought to be a thing for scholars. Now, writing is a way for some people to cope with life. Seeing something being created out of your brains and skills gives you pleasure.

Technical Content Writing

5 Things to Consider Before Writing a Heavy Researched Article

When I joined Spacebar, a content marketing firm based in Mumbai, I had no experience in technical content writing. And to be frank, I was a bit anxious. Being new to technical content writing, I had no clue how to write articles, explaining new-age technologies without leaving readers bored. What added to my anxiety was the fact that technical articles were to be heavily researched and thoroughly explained. However, with senior’s assistance, practice, and learnings, I have now reached a place in my career where I can write technical content confidently. In this article, I’m sharing a few important tips that will help other budding technical writers:

content writing services

7 Things to Avoid While Writing a Wikipedia Page

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia and most of the Wikipedia pages often get featured in the search result. It is, in fact, a common source of information among the masses for years now. But did you know that this encyclopedia is actually created with the help of millions of users just like you and me? Wikipedia was started by Larry Sanger as a non-profit project to make information easily available to the masses. It is a simple platform where you can make an account and provide information for any given topic. This information is further edited by the selected editors of Wikipedia to ensure that the quality of information provided is accurate.

content writing agency

5 Things that Your Blog Must Have

Since I work in a content writing agency, I come across several blog posts during my research that are well-written and interesting, along with an engaging narrative. I think I won’t be wrong in saying that every blogger aims to write intriguing content for their audience. And for that to happen, a blogger must write as well read religiously. Along with regular writing, you need to understand certain technicalities and popular practices associated with content writing. All successful blogs have some standard elements that can make blog posts consistent and captivating. You can include these essential elements in your blog posts too.

content writing agency

Silly Homophonic Mistakes Writers Make

I have already talked about those countless mistakes that even veteran or expert writers make in this post on grammatical mistakes and this post on some more grammatical mistakes post. In this article, I am going to bring a very interesting kind of error to light. These aren’t “grammatical” errors. But when they are made, they cause blunders. Colloquially, these mistakes are called “mixing up homophones.”

B2B Content Marketing

How Many Keywords Should You Use for a Page?

Sometimes, search engine optimization (SEO) may seem very complicated. You need to think about your marketing strategy, backlinks, web page design, metadata, HTML, and more importantly- keywords density! Keywords are one of the only ways for search engines like Google to understand the relevance of your website. These search engines have gotten smarter by using hundreds of signals to rank the relevance of your website. So how can you use those keywords on your website? How many should you target? Should you just use multiple pages for every single keyword? Or do you just stuff the keywords all over the website? Let’s talk about the proper keyword usage and how to target them in your content to help you provide the right answers to such questions.

Content writing services

Here are a Few Reasons Why You Suck at Writing

I think it was Gandhi who said, “To suck at writing is human; but to admit it, divine.” Or maybe it was Hemingway. Or was it Aristotle? Regardless of who said these words, I think they make sense. And if you’re reading this article, there’s at least a part of you that thinks you suck at writing. That you could do better. And that’s admirable. So, before we begin, here’s a tip of the hat to your self-awareness:

How To Write Content That Can Be Understood By Everyone

How To Write Content That Can Be Understood By Everyone

Are you one of the content writers working for a company providing content writing services? If yes, then welcome buddy, grab a cup of coffee and let’s discuss the horrors of writing, the tragic memories of our editors sending articles back as if they were extremely irrelevant, and our clients failing to understand the content provided to them (not often though). But having done all this, let’s also discuss why our clients or our editors send our articles back? One of the most common reasons is that they may not understand what we are trying to convey. Now how do you solve this problem when writing a piece of content? With all the past experience of rejected articles, multiple rewrites, and extended sessions of conversations with my editor, I present to you a blog on how to write content that can be understood by everyone… And I hope you understand what I am trying to convey! *Smiles Slyly*