Facebook logo on the mobile screen represents how to rank posts on top of Facebook news feeds.

How to Rank Your Posts on Top of Facebook’s Newsfeed in 2019?

If you’re here looking for a sure-shot secret formula to get your next Facebook post to the top of every user’s news feed, then I’m sorry to tell you that you’re at the wrong place. 
But you know where you’ll find it, though? 
That’s because it does not exist.
And you probably already know that if you’ve had any experience using social media for business. While there is no guaranteed way to propel your posts to the pinnacle of Facebook fame, there are a few ways that can increase the likelihood of your posts reaching a large section of your target audience. And it all boils down to something put quite beautifully by my favorite smart person from history, Benjamin Franklin (probably),

Cognitive biases that you should be aware of

3 Cognitive Biases Every Content Marketer Should Know and Use

3 Cognitive Biases Every Content Marketer Should Know and Use As humans, we love to think of ourselves as conscious, self-determined beings. We tend to believe that our actions and decisions are solely driven by our will and reasoning. But as research continues to reveal, we may not be fully in control of our decisions.…

Content marketing in India for generation Z

Capturing the Attention of Gen Z with Content Marketing

India’s Gen Z population is predicted to reach 472 million in 2019 according to the analysis by Bloomberg. This has forced the specialists of content marketing in India to upgrade its game in gaining the even shorter attention span of the Gen Zers than the millennials. Even though the millennials are the largest living generation,…

Social media for business has introduced us to IGTV

What you should know about IGTV

Every time I update the apps on my smartphone, I am astonished to see the same apps with more attractive interfaces, fewer bugs, and newer features. A few days back, when I opened my Instagram account, I was astounded to see a new avatar of Instagram. Instagram had come up with IGTV (Instagram TV) for us! I was curious to learn how this new feature would make Instagram more fun for individuals and more profitable for businesses. We’re aware of how numerous brands are making the most out of social media for business, but I was confused as to how IGTV will help in this direction. Hence, after thorough and in-depth research, here’s what I found out about IGTV:

Social media for business is indeed important.

Social media for business: Your weekly social media management checklist

Technology plays a crucial role in the lives of human beings in the 21st century. It is being used increasingly for various purposes linked to governance. Social media, which is an intrinsic component of the tech-savvy world, has become an unavoidable part of the lives of many people. These people use social media for business purposes. They utilize the tools of social media for the purpose of promoting and popularizing their businesses.