brand health

Learn about the metrics to check, track, and analyse brand health

Learn about the metrics to check, track, and analyse brand health Brand Health. Relatively simple to decode what it should mean: the health of your brand. But this is too simplistic, of course. Brand Health is an umbrella term: a collection of measuring metrics that essentially analyse how much your branding contributes to achieving your…

Social media for business

How do You Know How Well Your Posts are Doing on Social Media

In the old days, even before the radio waves were discovered, which are now like the dark ages for us millennial populace, the social media which we know today was just the word of mouth and paper parchments. People persuasion, which we now take up to our Twitter profiles, used to happen through people who were known as heralds – the people standing on the pedestal with the common event calendar and announcements from the crown. Businesses would pay them every time they brought in something new for the masses. The heralds or influencers would then reach the people for them. While some would flock to the store, others would turn a deaf ear. The only measurement of ROI on the herald was the amount earned on the day the herald spoke. Although there was no need for further details, measuring your influence would have been easier back then. Today, the influence has been loaded up on social media for business and your audience has a lot of ways in which they react to your message for them. So how do you know if you’re doing well when you’re the herald yourself?

B2B content writing

How to Write 3000 Plus Words Blog in a Few Hours?

What is writing? In my personal opinion, writing is a way of searching soul through words and sentences that a person creates through his subconscious mind. Through writing, you spill out the ink in your heart onto a blank page and create a piece that keeps people coming back for more. Each time I lift my virtual pen to scribble some words, the primary thought that comes to my mind is that something extraordinary is bound to happen. No writer’s block, no mental semicolons, just words. I believe that motivation is key, everywhere and in every way! And as a content writer, most of us love being alone to ponder upon vivid writing ideas and techniques. This is where self-motivation could actually work as a kick-start to your blog.
Writers are a breed of people trying to turn people’s emotional and decisive knobs through words that instigate an action. There was a time when writing was for journalists and novelists exclusively. Others were too daunted in those times to take over writing, it was thought to be a thing for scholars. Now, writing is a way for some people to cope with life. Seeing something being created out of your brains and skills gives you pleasure.

3 Types of Posts You Should Avoid on Your LinkedIn Business Page

3 Types of Posts You Should Avoid on Your LinkedIn Business Page

Among all the social media platforms out there that are popular in the mainstream, LinkedIn is the one that is least like the others. In fact, calling LinkedIn a social media platform won’t be entirely accurate. LinkedIn is more of a professional networking platform that businesses and professionals use to connect with each other, unlike Facebook or Instagram which are designed to enable friendly, social interactions. This makes it the most ideal platform for running B2B campaigns, while others are more B2C-friendly in terms of marketing.
Since it is so different from the other social media platforms, it stands to reason that the kind of content posted on LinkedIn should also be different. While there are limitless ideas as to what you can post on LinkedIn, there are certain kinds of content that you should steer clear of to make a good professional impression through your business page. Thus, if you’re a B2B company like a social media marketing agency or an accounting firm, pay attention. Following are three types of posts that should never make it to your LinkedIn business page:

social media marketing agency

Key Metrics that You Should Consider to Evaluate Your Social Media Posts

What started as a medium to help a group of friends connect, soon became a medium used by businesses to spread awareness about their products and services. I am talking about social media platforms. How quickly have businesses adapted to the idea of using social media to not only post about their products and services but also to use it as an advertising platform. These businesses are not just large organisations. Over 50 million small businesses with or without the help of a social media marketing agency use Facebook alone to connect with their customers.
With so much importance given to the usage of social media for marketing, you need to be sure that your efforts in social media marketing are showing results. To identify this, you need to pay attention to the following key metrics to evaluate your social media posts.

content writing services

7 Things to Avoid While Writing a Wikipedia Page

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia and most of the Wikipedia pages often get featured in the search result. It is, in fact, a common source of information among the masses for years now. But did you know that this encyclopedia is actually created with the help of millions of users just like you and me? Wikipedia was started by Larry Sanger as a non-profit project to make information easily available to the masses. It is a simple platform where you can make an account and provide information for any given topic. This information is further edited by the selected editors of Wikipedia to ensure that the quality of information provided is accurate.