Cognitive biases that you should be aware of

3 Cognitive Biases Every Content Marketer Should Know and Use

3 Cognitive Biases Every Content Marketer Should Know and Use As humans, we love to think of ourselves as conscious, self-determined beings. We tend to believe that our actions and decisions are solely driven by our will and reasoning. But as research continues to reveal, we may not be fully in control of our decisions.…

Spacebar is known for the unity among its employees

Spacebar’s First Offsite – Done Right!

on its first ever offsite trip to YMCA, Nilshi. It took a lot of efforts by Alpana and Swati (Our Human who manages the Resources) to make it happen. So what compelled Alpana to take her monkeys into the jungle? Well, Spacebar completed five years of saving the world from bad content and to mark it as a special year, she decided to take the monkeys into the greenery and teach them a couple of things. Now with only one human (Swati) and Alpana herself to manage the monkeys, they needed a third set of hands. Now that’s where Carlos (YMCA instructor) steps in. With Carlos on board or rather a bus, the Spacebar team set off for their first ever offsite training.

Technical content writing is on the rise!

How to Make Technical Writing Easier

Though an engineer by qualification, writing was always my first love. I joined Spacebar as a technical content writer, where I got an opportunity to combine my knowledge of technology with my passion for writing. The added perk of this job was the need to keep myself updated with everything that’s buzzing in the space of technology. This way, my learning just never stopped. My initial days as a technical writer were full of anxiety and nervousness. I was new to technical content writing. And I’ll have to admit that my Editor played a big role in mentoring and grooming my writing skills. However, I kept trying a lot of learning and improvement exercises on my own too. With practice and understanding, I kept getting better at technical content writing, and so here in this article, I bring some easy to follow steps that can make technical writing easy for you too!

How to Write Technical Articles

How to Write Technical Articles

So I am an IT engineer turned Editor, working on the technical team of my B2B content marketing agency. As an Editor, I get to work closely with budding technical writers. Most of them, and also a lot of my friends and colleagues, end up asking me how to go about ‘technical’ articles. I mean they do know or have some idea of how to write articles or blog posts but aren’t especially aware of the nuances of technical writing.