Social media for business

How often should you post on social media in 2019

Today, in this digital world, businesses know that to resonate with their target audience, the best ever platform is social media. While social media allows brands to get a lot of customer engagement and increase revenue, it can also negatively impact customers resulting in higher customer attrition rates and lower profits if not used correctly. It doesn’t even take a second for customers to unfollow a brand’s social media page. Hence, it is important to make use of social media platforms in a way that attracts customers and does not leave them unsatisfied or unhappy. But how to make optimal use of social media for business? Well, there is actually no magical formula. While posting something on social media platforms, brands should consider its quality and quantity, both. And what does that mean you ask? Let’s brief you on that. 

Content Marketing Vs. Content Writing

Content Marketing Vs. Content Writing

It is common to find a content writing agency in the major metropolitan areas of the world today. Such content writing agencies rely on the art of using words to achieve their commercial objectives.  They employ thousands of people who have good command over various languages. Content writing is of several kinds. Content marketing specialists serve purposes which are different from the purposes served by content writing specialists. To achieve success, content marketers use various measures.

Content writing agencies are experts at creating blogs.

Think you can blog without a content writing agency? WRONG!

With the growing popularity of online marketing, many organizations have started with different online marketing strategies to grow their business. Content marketing via business blog writing is a popular choice among many. The reason for this popularity is the great impact it has on your search engine optimization efforts. Apart from that, blogging is cost-effective when compared to other forms of online marketing such as PPC advertising.

content writing company in India wants to convey emotions

Why should you include emotions in your content?

Ever read a blog that made you actually visualize the entire story? Or ever read a social media post that made you think ‘Oh, I felt the same!’? You surely must have. But ever wondered how a plain textual content can create an entire storyboard in your mind? It happens when a skilled writer or a content writing company in India use emotions and feelings to connect with you.

Content writing companies in India focus on keywords.

How to find the best keywords for your blogs

Keywords are ideas and topics that succinctly express what your content talks about. They are also referred to as search queries because they boil down the theme of the long blog into a mere 3-4 words. People generally type these phrases or words to look up for blogs or any other form of content on the internet.
That being said, Google doesn’t see all websites with equal eyes. There are thousands of content writing companies in India talking about the same product or service that your business offers people.

Freelance content writers in Ind

4 stages of writing a successful blog

Most freelance content writers in India will agree that just like any other form of art, writing too needs to honed with time. Only then does it get better. As writers, we relentlessly try to express ourselves in the most honest way possible. Even then, every piece of writing goes through a different grind depending on the theme, audience, style of writing, and the format (blog, news article, copywriting, story writing, poetry, etc.). Our moods, ability to articulate, and our life experiences also have a bearing on the quality of work we produce.

Facebook for social media for business

Social Media for Business: Facebook post ideas for business

After the Cambridge Analytica disclosure and the consequent #deletefacebook campaign, people expected Facebook to lose popularity and spiral into oblivion. However, according to the first quarter results released by Facebook for 2018, its user base has continued to expand and has crossed 2.2 billion monthly active users, indicating a 13 percent annual increase.