Facebook for social media for business

Social Media for Business: Facebook post ideas for business

After the Cambridge Analytica disclosure and the consequent #deletefacebook campaign, people expected Facebook to lose popularity and spiral into oblivion. However, according to the first quarter results released by Facebook for 2018, its user base has continued to expand and has crossed 2.2 billion monthly active users, indicating a 13 percent annual increase.

Using keywords in Google AdWords like "B2B Content Marketing In India"

Why Should You Use Google AdWords?

Are you struggling to get the desired traffic on your website? This is something that will certainly hinder your business’ prospects in this digital age. But, the existing solution to this problem, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), tends to be complicated, and needs the competence of qualified experts to give your website a realistic chance at featuring on the famed 1st page of Google search results.

B2B content marketing video by IBM

B2B Content Marketing Case study: IBM

Before diving into the analysis of another efficient and prolific content marketing campaign, let’s start with a quick recap of our previous B2B Content Marketing Case Study on Cisco.

In our previous article, I tried to highlight the strengths of one of the most successful B2B content marketers across the globe namely, Cisco. And, one the key determinants of the triumph of their content marketing strategy was relevancy.

Real Estate Content Marketing: Grow Your Business with Engaging Content

Real Estate Content Marketing: Grow Your Business with Engaging Content

For real estates, content marketing may seem like a new concept. In an industry where you constantly need to meet multiple clients and expect at least one closure at the end of the day, content marketing can be certainly useful. You may wonder what does content marketing has to do with real estate. How can this concept of content marketing benefit your business? To answer your questions, continue reading.

How to Choose the Right Content Marketing Agency in India

How to Choose the Right Content Marketing Agency in India

Regardless of what business you run – you need content. You need content for:

Social Media
Video content
Any element that requires some form of communication (especially B2B content marketing communication) – needs content. Hence, it makes sense to hire a content agency. That would bring you to the next question – How do you choose the right content agency?