Tips for conquering AI-based content marketing challenges

Tips for conquering AI-based content marketing challenges

Tips for conquering AI-based content marketing challenges In the bustling realm of modern marketing, where attention is gold, content marketing reigns supreme. That’s why businesses worldwide are putting their heart and soul into creating valuable content that hooks their audience and keeps them returning for more.  With technological advancements, AI-based content marketing has stormed the…

Difference Between Translation and Transliteration image 1

Understanding the Difference Between Translation and Transliteration

What is the first thing you do when you see a piece of content in a foreign language? You use the Google Translator online, or the Google Translate extension does the job for you, right? This process is commonly known as translation. But what if we told you that what you really get is transliteration or transcription and not a true translation? Aren’t you confused already?

content distribution on website

4 Methods To Plan Content Distribution Tactics

A planned content distribution tactic acts as a strategic guide to help your organization disseminate your content and maximize its reach to your audience. Publishing content regularly keeps your website active with fresh content. The content along with a plan will assist you to reach the right audience at the right time and steer them to take desired actions on the page. Read to know the 4 methods you can implement to plan a content distribution tactic.

Content placement on the website

Key Elements of a High-quality Website

Are you an entrepreneur? Does your business have an online business card? Having an online business card is like having a proper online presence that informs the audience about your business. The most important type of online presence you can have is a business website. In today’s digital era, having a business website is more important than having a physical office space. You know why? Because today if someone hears about your business, they aren’t going to come and check your office location. Instead, they will try to find your website online. Having an online business website goes a long way in building trust in the minds of your target audience. But just having a website is not enough. As your website is your online business card, make sure it has the following key elements suggested to make it a high-quality website.

B2B Content Marketing

Difference Between SEO and PPC Ads

Before I started working for a B2B content marketing agency, I thought good writing was all it took to rank articles on Google’s first page of search results.
I used to think SEO and PPC are pointless mumbo-jumbo thrown around by the SEO team to confound their bosses and ensure they aren’t deemed surplus to requirements. 
All I knew about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) was that it is the process of making your content rank at the top of Google’s search results. And that PPC (Pay-per-click) is an advertising model where you pay for every time someone clicks on your promoted content or online ads. 
When I started my career in B2B content marketing, I found out that they were exactly what I thought they would be — minus the pointless-mumbo jumbo bit.
Turned out, SEO and PPC are, in fact, among the most important aspects of content marketing, secondary only to the quality of the content you put out.
Search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising are two sides of the same content marketing coin. They are different ways to achieve the same objective — delivering your content to the right target audience. 
So, how do they differ? 

Social media for business

How do You Know How Well Your Posts are Doing on Social Media

In the old days, even before the radio waves were discovered, which are now like the dark ages for us millennial populace, the social media which we know today was just the word of mouth and paper parchments. People persuasion, which we now take up to our Twitter profiles, used to happen through people who were known as heralds – the people standing on the pedestal with the common event calendar and announcements from the crown. Businesses would pay them every time they brought in something new for the masses. The heralds or influencers would then reach the people for them. While some would flock to the store, others would turn a deaf ear. The only measurement of ROI on the herald was the amount earned on the day the herald spoke. Although there was no need for further details, measuring your influence would have been easier back then. Today, the influence has been loaded up on social media for business and your audience has a lot of ways in which they react to your message for them. So how do you know if you’re doing well when you’re the herald yourself?