Social media for business

How do You Know How Well Your Posts are Doing on Social Media

In the old days, even before the radio waves were discovered, which are now like the dark ages for us millennial populace, the social media which we know today was just the word of mouth and paper parchments. People persuasion, which we now take up to our Twitter profiles, used to happen through people who were known as heralds – the people standing on the pedestal with the common event calendar and announcements from the crown. Businesses would pay them every time they brought in something new for the masses. The heralds or influencers would then reach the people for them. While some would flock to the store, others would turn a deaf ear. The only measurement of ROI on the herald was the amount earned on the day the herald spoke. Although there was no need for further details, measuring your influence would have been easier back then. Today, the influence has been loaded up on social media for business and your audience has a lot of ways in which they react to your message for them. So how do you know if you’re doing well when you’re the herald yourself?

Content Writing Agency

How to Recycle Blogs?

Blogging is a method that is beneficial for your website SEO in many ways. It helps your website to rank well in the SERPs through appropriate keyword usage, backlinking, webpage indexing by regularly uploading blogs on your website, and so on. If you have been using blogs, then it’s great. But have you ever taken a look at the blogs that were written a long time ago? Are they still ranking on the SERPs and aiding your SEO? If not, then here’s how a content writing agency recycles blogs in order to boost a website’s online presence.

content writing agency

Why using heavy words in blogs does not help?

“Exasperating farrago of distortions, misrepresentations & outright lies being broadcast by an unprincipled showman masquerading as a journalist”
What you just read is one of many Shashi Tharoor’s tweets that showcases his vocabulary. Tweets like these have captured the attention of many people online. But, using such words in your blogs may not help you get your audience’s attention!
When I started working as a technical writer in a content writing agency, I used to include heavy and complex words in my blogs. But my seniors explained to me why my approach was wrong. Now, while writing technical content, I use contextual vocabulary that’s necessary, but I avoid words that would make my sentences complex. Hence, I ensure that my blogs are simple yet professional. Using heavy words can affect the readability of your blogs and affect the power of your messaging.

Social media for business

How often should you post on social media in 2019

Today, in this digital world, businesses know that to resonate with their target audience, the best ever platform is social media. While social media allows brands to get a lot of customer engagement and increase revenue, it can also negatively impact customers resulting in higher customer attrition rates and lower profits if not used correctly. It doesn’t even take a second for customers to unfollow a brand’s social media page. Hence, it is important to make use of social media platforms in a way that attracts customers and does not leave them unsatisfied or unhappy. But how to make optimal use of social media for business? Well, there is actually no magical formula. While posting something on social media platforms, brands should consider its quality and quantity, both. And what does that mean you ask? Let’s brief you on that. 

4 Types of Interactive Content for Your Content Marketing Plan

4 Types of Interactive Content for Your Content Marketing Plan

As common human beings, we try using our brain to its full capacity. But the tantrums of the human mind plays us every time, and as a result, an average human loses concentration or interest in things within just 8 seconds. Everything is boring to us if it is not engaging enough or doesn’t have a contribution to our opinions.

Myths About Content Writing

Myths About Content Writing

The trend of content writing in Mumbai is growing at a fast rate, along with digital marketing and social media marketing. This trend is evident due to the extensively increasing number of startups and media influencers which have now given rise to content writers in the field of advertising. Most freshers and interns choose content writing after graduating as the standard way to kickstart on their career in the field of advertising, believing it to be simple and ‘just writing’. This misconception shatters after actually trying their hand at content writing. Let us take a look at three primary myths that will help you get a clear picture before trying out for content writing in Mumbai.

B2B content writing

How to Write 3000 Plus Words Blog in a Few Hours?

What is writing? In my personal opinion, writing is a way of searching soul through words and sentences that a person creates through his subconscious mind. Through writing, you spill out the ink in your heart onto a blank page and create a piece that keeps people coming back for more. Each time I lift my virtual pen to scribble some words, the primary thought that comes to my mind is that something extraordinary is bound to happen. No writer’s block, no mental semicolons, just words. I believe that motivation is key, everywhere and in every way! And as a content writer, most of us love being alone to ponder upon vivid writing ideas and techniques. This is where self-motivation could actually work as a kick-start to your blog.
Writers are a breed of people trying to turn people’s emotional and decisive knobs through words that instigate an action. There was a time when writing was for journalists and novelists exclusively. Others were too daunted in those times to take over writing, it was thought to be a thing for scholars. Now, writing is a way for some people to cope with life. Seeing something being created out of your brains and skills gives you pleasure.

content writing agency

5 Tools a Content Agency Must Use

If you have worked as a content writer with a content writing agency, then you may be well aware of the different content tools that are used. These tools are extremely beneficial and almost every seasoned content writer would prefer using at least some of them if not all. The tools that are used by content agencies usually consist of writing tools, plagiarism checker tools, social media tools, SEO tools, etc. Let’s take a look at them in detail.

content writing agency

Silly Homophonic Mistakes Writers Make

I have already talked about those countless mistakes that even veteran or expert writers make in this post on grammatical mistakes and this post on some more grammatical mistakes post. In this article, I am going to bring a very interesting kind of error to light. These aren’t “grammatical” errors. But when they are made, they cause blunders. Colloquially, these mistakes are called “mixing up homophones.”

Content writing services

Here are a Few Reasons Why You Suck at Writing

I think it was Gandhi who said, “To suck at writing is human; but to admit it, divine.” Or maybe it was Hemingway. Or was it Aristotle? Regardless of who said these words, I think they make sense. And if you’re reading this article, there’s at least a part of you that thinks you suck at writing. That you could do better. And that’s admirable. So, before we begin, here’s a tip of the hat to your self-awareness: