A content writer in Mumbai always needs to be updated with the work!

Tech articles and the thought process Spacebar puts behind them

To write a tech article, you must have comprehensive information on different technologies, how they operate, and their capabilities, of course. But is that all you need? Well, no. Behind any tech article, there is a writer’s thought process, which helps him convey his opinions and other important facts on a technical topic. I work as a technical content writer in Mumbai-based content agency firm, Spacebar. And I say it with experience that a tech writer puts in a lot of research and thought when explaining a technical concept in an interesting and captivating manner.

Spacebar is known for the unity among its employees

Spacebar’s First Offsite – Done Right!

on its first ever offsite trip to YMCA, Nilshi. It took a lot of efforts by Alpana and Swati (Our Human who manages the Resources) to make it happen. So what compelled Alpana to take her monkeys into the jungle? Well, Spacebar completed five years of saving the world from bad content and to mark it as a special year, she decided to take the monkeys into the greenery and teach them a couple of things. Now with only one human (Swati) and Alpana herself to manage the monkeys, they needed a third set of hands. Now that’s where Carlos (YMCA instructor) steps in. With Carlos on board or rather a bus, the Spacebar team set off for their first ever offsite training.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing Services in India to make your Business Successful

If you are a business that wants to scale up its operation with the help of content marketing, then you have arrived at the right place. You need content for your website pages and blogs, social media profiles, emails, white papers, research papers, and the list goes on. This is exactly what Spacebar does- creating content. We are a bunch of young minds typing our ideas for the success of your business. Here’s what we do.


My Amazing Spacebar Experience

This is my story – the story of my journey from just-any-other-writer to being a content writer. My journey of correcting my language issues from “discuss about” to “discuss”. This story is about the 21 months I spent at Spacebar, with Spacebarians. This story might seem boring to some. But people who were significant parts of my journey will (mostly) feel happy after reading this.

Facebook for social media for business

Social Media for Business: Facebook post ideas for business

After the Cambridge Analytica disclosure and the consequent #deletefacebook campaign, people expected Facebook to lose popularity and spiral into oblivion. However, according to the first quarter results released by Facebook for 2018, its user base has continued to expand and has crossed 2.2 billion monthly active users, indicating a 13 percent annual increase.