B2B Content Marketing

Difference Between SEO and PPC Ads

Before I started working for a B2B content marketing agency, I thought good writing was all it took to rank articles on Google’s first page of search results.
I used to think SEO and PPC are pointless mumbo-jumbo thrown around by the SEO team to confound their bosses and ensure they aren’t deemed surplus to requirements. 
All I knew about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) was that it is the process of making your content rank at the top of Google’s search results. And that PPC (Pay-per-click) is an advertising model where you pay for every time someone clicks on your promoted content or online ads. 
When I started my career in B2B content marketing, I found out that they were exactly what I thought they would be — minus the pointless-mumbo jumbo bit.
Turned out, SEO and PPC are, in fact, among the most important aspects of content marketing, secondary only to the quality of the content you put out.
Search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising are two sides of the same content marketing coin. They are different ways to achieve the same objective — delivering your content to the right target audience. 
So, how do they differ? 

Social media marketing agency

5 Things to Consider When Running Social Media Ads

Dunkin Donuts had created a social media campaign for National Donut Day, where they introduced customized gifs, emojis, and filters on several social media platforms. With this campaign, Dunkin Donuts gained over 6.5 million engagements. However, creating such successful social media ad campaigns can be increasingly tricky. You need to understand various technicalities of social media marketing and leverage several paid advertisement services to increase the output of your campaign. The experts in a social media marketing agency use a systematic approach and analyze multiple social media trends for creating social media ad campaigns and strategies. Learning from the experts, you need to consider the following intricacies of running a social media ad campaign.

How to Measure if Your Marketing Strategy is Successful?

How to Measure if Your Marketing Strategy is Successful?

A marketing strategy is formulated with the idea to keep moving forward and make your business successful. You will think of all the possible outcomes before you choose a strategy and implement it. But not every strategy is profitable in the first go. Some take a step back before giving you the desired outcome. To be able to identify such setbacks that end up in bigger successes, you need to measure how your marketing strategy is progressing. This is what I plan to cover in today’s article to help my fellow content writers working in a content writing agency, know when to stop their marketing efforts and when to keep going on.

Email Marketing requires efforts.

Why you should start with email marketing?

“Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable personal touch- at scale.”⎼ David Newman, a speaker, a marketer, and the author of ‘Do It! Marketing’.
Today’s marketers believe in doing ‘more’ with ‘less’. Connecting with the audience in a highly personalized way, while staying on a budget, is what email marketing offers. The email marketing realm is constantly evolving!
According to VentureBeat insight reports, personalized emails increase transaction rates and revenue per email 6 times higher than non-personalised emails. This determines how exactly email marketing makes a difference in the conversion of most customer segments in the marketing funnel. While various other marketing strategies are used on regular basis, email still remains the most powerful channel for modern marketers and business owners.

Mistakes of PPC

Common PPC Mistakes You Must Avoid

Not every PPC or pay-per-click advertising campaign is a success. In fact, I’ll go as far and say most PPC ad campaigns don’t meet their full potential Not only does an unsuccessful PPC campaign result in lost sales opportunities by the way of lost leads, an unsuccessful PPC campaign also means your entire account suffers.