Content marketing in India by Simplify360

4 examples of creative content marketing in India

Creativity plays a significant role in making your content marketing campaign successful. Almost every business is into content marketing and so customers are bombarded with excess information. In order to stand apart from this clutter, your content should be unique and creative from your competitors. Here are 4 examples of companies having creative content marketing in India.

An idea for B2B content marketing is to start using podcast

4 B2B Content Marketing Ideas

Content marketing can be simply defined as your quality of communication. It is not a separate medium by itself, rather effective B2B content marketing blends in and enhances your business communication. B2B content marketing is present when you build your website, run an email marketing campaign, build a social media presence, or launch an ad campaign. Your business needs content marketing and you should not avoid it.

Why Writers Are Superheroes: The Hidden Powers of Writing

Why Writers Are Superheroes: The Hidden Powers of Writing

So after my post about the life of a writer, I still managed to keep my job! Whee hee! That means I have had another month of clients, projects, deadlines, themes, voices, blog language, Canadian English, English English, Indian English,strange Google searches, online shopping, late nights and this month, a life changing attack of cockroaches. And she lived to tell the tale.

How to Generate Creative Ideas: Tips for Writers

How to Generate Creative Ideas: Tips for Writers

If you are a writer, you will have days/week/ a lifetime of having to motivate yourself! Being a writer is NOT easy. It is fulfilling, emancipating *insert other big passionate words here* but it is NOT  easy to turn a free-spirited, passion into a job with deadlines and time bound responsibilities. Often I find myself in the following situations. Feel free to laugh at my plight:D

Creation, Curation, and Consumption: Understanding the Three C’s in Digital Identity

Creation, Curation, and Consumption: Understanding the Three C’s in Digital Identity

A friend of mine recently typed out a deliciously well written piece of work that just struck a cord of interest inside me. While I tried not to get caught up picking out his unconventional pairing of words, I found myself uncontrollably grasping his idea.It was so effortless to see his train of thought and value his opinion.