Why Writers Are Superheroes: The Hidden Powers of Writing

Why Writers Are Superheroes: The Hidden Powers of Writing

So after my post about the life of a writer, I still managed to keep my job! Whee hee! That means I have had another month of clients, projects, deadlines, themes, voices, blog language, Canadian English, English English, Indian English,strange Google searches, online shopping, late nights and this month, a life changing attack of cockroaches. And she lived to tell the tale.

How to Generate Creative Ideas: Tips for Writers

How to Generate Creative Ideas: Tips for Writers

If you are a writer, you will have days/week/ a lifetime of having to motivate yourself! Being a writer is NOT easy. It is fulfilling, emancipating *insert other big passionate words here* but it is NOT  easy to turn a free-spirited, passion into a job with deadlines and time bound responsibilities. Often I find myself in the following situations. Feel free to laugh at my plight:D