Difference Between Translation and Transliteration image 1

Understanding the Difference Between Translation and Transliteration

What is the first thing you do when you see a piece of content in a foreign language? You use the Google Translator online, or the Google Translate extension does the job for you, right? This process is commonly known as translation. But what if we told you that what you really get is transliteration or transcription and not a true translation? Aren’t you confused already?

content writing agency in India

Why is it Not Okay to Use Slangs in Your Content?

Slang words may seem like a more natural way to talk in today’s time. Some words created by us are attractive to hear and use in our daily lives. But when it comes to content creation, the use of slang words is a big NO-NO, and that’s what any content writing agency in India would stand by. Why? Because there are a couple of downsides of including slang language in blogs, newsletters, emails, and other types of content. Listed below are a few of those drawbacks.

7 Tips for Writing Good Email Newsletters

7 Tips for Writing Good Email Newsletters

According to Rajan Anandan, India is one of the fastest growing internet countries. With limited email marketing companies and content writing services in India, the email industry has a huge opportunity to generate revenue for any business. It is easy to create emails that people actually look forward and reduce the unsubscription rate of your emails. In email marketing, email newsletters are widely read, loved, and tweeted about regularly. If you want to write some good email newsletters, here are some tips to help you get your business closer to your target audience and build up a subscriber base.

Technical Content Writing

5 Things to Consider Before Writing a Heavy Researched Article

When I joined Spacebar, a content marketing firm based in Mumbai, I had no experience in technical content writing. And to be frank, I was a bit anxious. Being new to technical content writing, I had no clue how to write articles, explaining new-age technologies without leaving readers bored. What added to my anxiety was the fact that technical articles were to be heavily researched and thoroughly explained. However, with senior’s assistance, practice, and learnings, I have now reached a place in my career where I can write technical content confidently. In this article, I’m sharing a few important tips that will help other budding technical writers:

content writing agency

Silly Homophonic Mistakes Writers Make

I have already talked about those countless mistakes that even veteran or expert writers make in this post on grammatical mistakes and this post on some more grammatical mistakes post. In this article, I am going to bring a very interesting kind of error to light. These aren’t “grammatical” errors. But when they are made, they cause blunders. Colloquially, these mistakes are called “mixing up homophones.”

How To Write Content That Can Be Understood By Everyone

How To Write Content That Can Be Understood By Everyone

Are you one of the content writers working for a company providing content writing services? If yes, then welcome buddy, grab a cup of coffee and let’s discuss the horrors of writing, the tragic memories of our editors sending articles back as if they were extremely irrelevant, and our clients failing to understand the content provided to them (not often though). But having done all this, let’s also discuss why our clients or our editors send our articles back? One of the most common reasons is that they may not understand what we are trying to convey. Now how do you solve this problem when writing a piece of content? With all the past experience of rejected articles, multiple rewrites, and extended sessions of conversations with my editor, I present to you a blog on how to write content that can be understood by everyone… And I hope you understand what I am trying to convey! *Smiles Slyly*

A content writer in Mumbai always needs to be updated with the work!

Tech articles and the thought process Spacebar puts behind them

To write a tech article, you must have comprehensive information on different technologies, how they operate, and their capabilities, of course. But is that all you need? Well, no. Behind any tech article, there is a writer’s thought process, which helps him convey his opinions and other important facts on a technical topic. I work as a technical content writer in Mumbai-based content agency firm, Spacebar. And I say it with experience that a tech writer puts in a lot of research and thought when explaining a technical concept in an interesting and captivating manner.

Content writing agency in Mumbai works towards making profits.

Content writing guide for small businesses

With the growing importance of digital marketing, all kinds of businesses are hunting the right content writing agency in Mumbai to help increase traffic on their website. It doesn’t matter whether you have a small, medium or large business. If you have the appropriate content that talks about your product or services to the point and is generating leads for your business, half of your work is done. Though it is true that bigger the business better the resources when you have great content for your services and products, you are as fortunate as big businesses. So, here we have a content writing guide for small business that will help you make the best out of your limited resources and generate more leads.