brand health

Learn about the metrics to check, track, and analyse brand health

Learn about the metrics to check, track, and analyse brand health Brand Health. Relatively simple to decode what it should mean: the health of your brand. But this is too simplistic, of course. Brand Health is an umbrella term: a collection of measuring metrics that essentially analyse how much your branding contributes to achieving your…

B2B Content Marketing

Difference Between SEO and PPC Ads

Before I started working for a B2B content marketing agency, I thought good writing was all it took to rank articles on Google’s first page of search results.
I used to think SEO and PPC are pointless mumbo-jumbo thrown around by the SEO team to confound their bosses and ensure they aren’t deemed surplus to requirements. 
All I knew about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) was that it is the process of making your content rank at the top of Google’s search results. And that PPC (Pay-per-click) is an advertising model where you pay for every time someone clicks on your promoted content or online ads. 
When I started my career in B2B content marketing, I found out that they were exactly what I thought they would be — minus the pointless-mumbo jumbo bit.
Turned out, SEO and PPC are, in fact, among the most important aspects of content marketing, secondary only to the quality of the content you put out.
Search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising are two sides of the same content marketing coin. They are different ways to achieve the same objective — delivering your content to the right target audience. 
So, how do they differ? 

Content writing agency

How to Measure if Your Marketing Strategy is Successful?

A marketing strategy is formulated with the idea to keep moving forward and make your business successful. You will think of all the possible outcomes before you choose a strategy and implement it. But not every strategy is profitable in the first go. Some take a step back before giving you the desired outcome. To be able to identify such setbacks that end up in bigger successes, you need to measure how your marketing strategy is progressing. This is what I plan to cover in today’s article to help my fellow content writers working in a content writing agency, know when to stop their marketing efforts and when to keep going on.

A content writing agency in Mumbai helps in improving your SEO

The relationship between content writing and SEO

I remember that during the first few days of working as a content writer in a content writing agency in Mumbai, my editors and co-writers were always talking about ‘keywords’ and ‘SEO.’ As a new writer, I didn’t know how important these terms are in a content writer’s job. After hours of research, I realized how much thought and expertise is required for every blog post whether it’s creating topics, writing, or scheduling uploads. What I also noticed is that SEO and content writing are intertwined, just like strands of human DNA, to help build the online reputation of websites and online businesses.

How to Measure Content Marketing? | Track Performance & Maximize ROI

How to Measure Content Marketing? | Track Performance & Maximize ROI

The process of writing quality content is simply the foundation upon which your marketing schemes rest. It goes without saying, your intended audience only derives value from your content if it is informative enough to answer any questions they might have pertaining to the products and services you have on offer.