Synopsis writing needs to be focused on.

My experience as a synopsis writer

My professional journey of more than 30 years has varied profiles and fields covered, but writing was never a part of it. When someone says “how come”…I wonder too!!! Without specifically looking out, synopsis writing came my way. Hugely apprehensive but mostly excited, I ventured into this unexplored arena without any expectations. I reckon my biggest advantage was that I came with no preconceived ideas.

Love to write fiction - 5 tips to help you make it awesome

Love Writing Fiction? 5 Tips to Make Your Story Shine

Writing fiction is all what most of us want to do. Nothing would be more fulfilling than having your story up on book shelves in a store. Yet, writing fiction is not easy. It is definitely not as simple as sitting down for five hours straight where you just pour out words to create a story. No, the creative process of writing a story is filled with distractions and constant breaks. It is a hard long, path that requires sheer will power to write a story.

Ghostwriting: What It Is and How It Works

Ghostwriting: What It Is and How It Works

Ever wondered, how could a dumb looking politician come out with a readable book? Or your favourite musician’s songs sometimes don’t sound like him at all. Well the answer to all these questions is, ghostwriting. Yes, you read it right. Ghostwriting has been around for centuries (in form of court minister) but only with the growth of communication technology has it proven itself as a powerful market. And now with the ever growing internet and social networks outsourced ghostwriting is fast catching on. Let us have a look, what ghost writing actually is and why it works.