
My Amazing Spacebar Experience

This is my story – the story of my journey from just-any-other-writer to being a content writer. My journey of correcting my language issues from “discuss about” to “discuss”. This story is about the 21 months I spent at Spacebar, with Spacebarians. This story might seem boring to some. But people who were significant parts of my journey will (mostly) feel happy after reading this.

Keep Calm and Zone Out

Zone out to focus better

In the cacophony of deadlines, phone calls, emails, to-do’s, meetings, reviews and what nots, it just dawned on me last week that I wasn’t doing what I wanted to do most – WRITE! And that just can’t be fair when the whole reason I started a content solutions firm was because I love to write! “There is obviously something insanely wrong in the way I’m scheduling my days.” I thought.